Test Dynastar Legend Big Dump 2011

7 Tests Dynastar Legend Big Dump.

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Note moyenne : 8,9/10

A pair of Rockets under your feet!

Dynastar Legend Big Dump
Profil du testeur : 28 ans | 1,76m | 75kg | Confirmé / expert
Taille testée : 192
Conditions du test : Durée : 3 hours | Météo : Soleil | Neige : Packed powder/Powder
This is definitely the best big mountain/powder ski I've ever tried.
It's perfect for those mach 2 runs in the powder, definitely not good if you ski mainly in the trees.
It's not an easy ski and you must be really fit to drive them around and not to go where they want you to go. They're really demanding and they won't allow you to make many mistakes.
These skis are perfect in the untracked (big mountain) poudreuse.


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