Test Salomon 2V Race Powerline 2011

Note moyenne : 8,6/10

Powerful experience!

Salomon 2V Race Powerline
Profil du testeur : 31 ans | 1,86m | 77kg | Confirmé / expert
Taille testée : 178
Conditions du test : Durée : 2 heures | Météo : bon condition | Neige : suffisamant
Tested skis allowed very smooth ride. They entered nicely into turns. Speed control was also quite good. I also admired the way those skis delt with turbulences. They were especially worth recomendation on tough slopes marked with black or red. I also tried them off pist and the experience was satisfactory. I would definitely consider buying them when I will be changing my skis. In addition I liked their design, especially in comparison with skis of other companies. Those skis were also tested by my friends who liked them as well.

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