Test Rossignol Zenith Z9.5 Oversize 2010

Note moyenne : 9,4/10

These skis are incredible; easy to control, very quick

Zenith Z9.5 Oversize 2010 Rossignol Zenith Z9.5 Oversize
Profil du testeur : 25 ans | 1,83m | 88kg | Avancé | Sergy
Taille testée : 170
Conditions du test : Durée : 1,5h | Météo : Fine, -2 deg. C, sunny | Neige : different on different parts of the slope
I've tested 3 models of Rossignol skis (Z11, Z3, Z9.5) and ones produced by Atomic (D2), and definitely these are the best skis I've been trying. This was the first day of season, snow was very good, but in the bottom part of the slope a bit melted. I've tried long and short turns (slalom), a bit of Curving way of skiing with long turns, close to the ground and in each and every situation the skis did exactly what they were supposed to do. Each turn was a pleasure, and I felt like I can turn everywhere I wanted - and I really did! I do recommend Rossignol Z9.5 Oversize for advanced skiers who want to control the skis and at the same time have fun on the slope.


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