Ce qui me choque, c'est d'abord ce qui choque les juges americains:
Almost predicting there will be more legal battles in different venues, Sparks found "there are troubling aspects of this case, not least of which is USADA' s apparent single-minded determination to force Armstrong to arbitrate the charges against him, in direct conflict with UCI's equally evident desire not to proceed against him."
"Unfortunately, the appearance of conflict on the part of both organizations creates doubt the charges against Armstrong would receive fair consideration in either forum," Sparks said. "The issue is further complicated by USA Cycling's late-breaking show of support for UCI, and apparent opposition to USADA's proceeding — a wrinkle which does not change the court's legal analysis, but only confirms that these matters should be resolved internally, by the parties most affected, rather than by edict of this court."
C'est ensuite l'absence de preuves materielles. Comme vu precedemment, les controles anti dopage cité ne sont pas recevables, sur le tour de suisse, son explicatino a été acceptée, sur les autres controles, ils ont ete realisés en dehors des delais legaux et sont donc non fiables.
Et au dela du fait qu'il n'y ait que des temoignages, il y a surtout des temoignages venant de menteurs, de dopés avérés et de personnes qui haissent Armstrong ... c'est un peu comme juger un supporter du PSG sur les temoignages de supporters de marseille ...
Almost predicting there will be more legal battles in different venues, Sparks found "there are troubling aspects of this case, not least of which is USADA' s apparent single-minded determination to force Armstrong to arbitrate the charges against him, in direct conflict with UCI's equally evident desire not to proceed against him."
"Unfortunately, the appearance of conflict on the part of both organizations creates doubt the charges against Armstrong would receive fair consideration in either forum," Sparks said. "The issue is further complicated by USA Cycling's late-breaking show of support for UCI, and apparent opposition to USADA's proceeding — a wrinkle which does not change the court's legal analysis, but only confirms that these matters should be resolved internally, by the parties most affected, rather than by edict of this court."
C'est ensuite l'absence de preuves materielles. Comme vu precedemment, les controles anti dopage cité ne sont pas recevables, sur le tour de suisse, son explicatino a été acceptée, sur les autres controles, ils ont ete realisés en dehors des delais legaux et sont donc non fiables.
Et au dela du fait qu'il n'y ait que des temoignages, il y a surtout des temoignages venant de menteurs, de dopés avérés et de personnes qui haissent Armstrong ... c'est un peu comme juger un supporter du PSG sur les temoignages de supporters de marseille ...
inscrit le 15/9/10
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