alithear (17 avril) disait:
Tu dépasses mes compétences là. Ce que je comprend c'est que dans un corona tu peux foutre 32 influenza.
La taxonomie dit que en gros les familles sont éloigné et que les caractéristiques des familles sont différentes.
Mais en quoi l'un interdit l'autre?
Il rentre 2 grippe dans un corona. Mais le problème pricipal est que la grippe est un "negative single stranded virus" et le corona est un "positive single stranded virus". La virologie est pas mon domaine de compétences principal.
mais en wiki anglais explique bien la différence.
Main article: Positive-sense single-stranded RNA virus
Positive-sense (5?-to-3?) viral RNA signifies that a particular viral RNA sequence may be directly translated into viral proteins (e.g., those needed for viral replication). Therefore, in positive-sense RNA viruses, the viral RNA genome can be considered viral mRNA, and can be immediately translated by the host cell. Unlike negative-sense RNA, positive-sense RNA is of the same sense as mRNA. Some viruses (e.g. Coronaviridae) have positive-sense genomes that can act as mRNA and be used directly to synthesize proteins without the help of a complementary RNA intermediate. Because of this, these viruses do not need to have an RNA polymerase packaged into the virion—the RNA polymerase will be one of the first proteins produced by the host cell, since it is needed in order for the virus's genome to be replicated.
Main article: Negative-sense single-stranded RNA virus
Negative-sense (3?-to-5?) viral RNA is complementary to the viral mRNA, thus a positive-sense RNA must be produced by an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase from it prior to translation. Like DNA, negative-sense RNA has a nucleotide sequence complementary to the mRNA that it encodes; also like DNA, this RNA cannot be translated into protein directly. Instead, it must first be transcribed into a positive-sense RNA that acts as an mRNA. Some viruses (e.g. influenza viruses) have negative-sense genomes and so must carry an RNA polymerase inside the virion.
inscrit le 2/12/03
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