Les messages de SiSt sur les forums

[sujet commencé par merlinm]

SiSt, 08/10/2024
[quote=[b]Poulaient[b] ( 8 oct.)] Found them brand new under blister :) Never skied any downskis, the radius on this one has me intrigued. [quote] It...
SiSt, 08/10/2024
[quote=[b]Calixte[b] ( 8 oct.)] Hello SiSt, is there somewhere a hidden stash with 1st gen CD2 ? It would be great, best skis ever but mines are...
SiSt, 08/10/2024
[quote=[b]Poulaient[b] ( 8 oct.)] [img]skipass.fr [quote] My favourite graphic. :D
SiSt, 19/01/2024
[quote=[b]DOWNSKIS[b] (19 janv.)] [quote=[b]Pamplemousse[b] (18 janv.)] Plus de Simen ni de Geo chez down si je comprends bien c’est ça ?...
SiSt, 30/01/2023
[quote=[b]twann74[b] (30 janv.)] quelqu'un a des cd110 par ici ([url=https:www.skipass.comguidematosski2015downcountdown110carbon.html]ceux...

[Titanal Bar] Les vieux barbus... grincheux !
[sujet commencé par gab]

SiSt, 16/07/2016
[quote=[b]gab[b] (16 juil. 2016)] [quote=[b]winstonsmith[b] (15 juil. 2016)] That's why i'm gonna place an order on your 105. PS: if not...
SiSt, 16/07/2016
[quote=[b]rico74[b] (15 juil. 2016)] [quote=[b]SiSt[b] (15 juil. 2016)] [quote=[b]rico74[b] (15 juil. 2016)] not skeptical about the efficiency but...
SiSt, 15/07/2016
[quote=[b]rico74[b] (15 juil. 2016)] not skeptical about the efficiency but much more about the after sale management... [quote] I appreciate the...
SiSt, 15/07/2016
[quote=[b]rico74[b] (15 juil. 2016)] [quote=[b]winstonsmith[b] (15 juil. 2016)] [quote=[b]SiSt[b] (15 juil. 2016)] The 105 will likely never bring us...
SiSt, 15/07/2016
Thanks Winston. And no, not Elan.

Skier en Norvège
[sujet commencé par Martin Domingues]

SiSt, 15/09/2015
[quote=[b]Bast24[b] (15 sept. 2015)] [quote=[b]SiSt[b] (14 sept. 2015)] http:org.ntnu.noskiofjel the mountain sport group of the university's...
SiSt, 14/09/2015
http:org.ntnu.noskiofjel the mountain sport group of the university's sportsclub. You'll likely find most rando skiers here, and the freerando...
SiSt, 14/09/2015
If you go to Trondheim, I´d recommend renting a cabin in Oppdal from December to Easter (normally pretty cheap if you know where to look), likely...

Down skis, commandés et sans nouvelles
[sujet commencé par Martin Domingues]

SiSt, 29/07/2015
[quote=[b]Martin Domingues[b] (29 juil. 2015)] Bien vu pour le 30 septembre, merci en tout cas ;) Sinon ici quelqu'un à skié les thow...

De l'avenir du barbu
[sujet commencé par G]

SiSt, 08/07/2015
Ok, fair enough, the reasons listed are understandable, and we would never start such a thread ourselves. However, if we could get access to the deleted...