Les messages de 333skis sur les forums

333skis Nouvelle Companie De Ski Ecologic
[sujet commencé par monoboarder]

333skis, 25/05/2009
[quote=[b]Ericlodi[b] (23 mai 2009)] Kudos Michael! Great idea and pretty amazing execution! Any data on your skis weight don't tell me it's...
333skis, 25/05/2009
[quote=[b]20100[b] (23 mai 2009)] Thank you very much Michael for your explanation. Although you wrote "I do not read french", it seems you...
333skis, 23/05/2009
Thank you for the nice complements. The core stock I use, 9 ply horizontal laminated Baltic Birch and has outstanding screw retention specs. But if you...
333skis, 21/05/2009
[quote=[b]holy.mount@in[b] (20 mai 2009)] Ausome dude I will be in mammoth this week end I will enjoy to meet you. Ces ski sont incroyable mais la...
333skis, 20/05/2009
Hello, I will be posting more pictures on the build process soon. I am finishing the season here at Mammoth Mountain California. Thank you for the...