Statut : Expert
inscrit le 03/01/07
2231 messages
Matos : 5 avis
winstonsmith ( 6 janv.) disait:

Sinon les ato hawks c'est assez étonnant niveau volume.
Alors que visuellement ça paraît plutôt étroit et assez bas

C est ce que j ai déjà là ato mais le flex est vraiment pas ouf a cause du système de débrayage et des plastique light. Soit c est dur soit tu t écrase dans le sabot.
Lange il me faudrait la HV mais ça existe pas en rigide et insert.
Statut : Expert
inscrit le 03/01/07
2231 messages
Matos : 5 avis
monax1 ( 6 janv.) disait:

Rien de neuf chez Tecnica quoi...
Statut : Gourou
inscrit le 04/02/18
7719 messages
Matos : 16 avis
Just, tu penses quoi des chaussures 3 crochets (dalbello, FT, K2 etc) ?
Statut : Expert
inscrit le 28/10/04
1487 messages
Matos : 16 avis



east bear
east bear
Statut : Expert
inscrit le 19/02/03
13K messages
Matos : 5 avis
En moyenne t'as un crochet de moins que sur des 4 crochets. Ce qui te fais gagner environ 25% de temps à chaque serrage ou desserrage. A la louche quoi.
Statut : Confirmé
inscrit le 24/06/14
25K messages
just180 ( 6 janv.) disait:

C est ce que j ai déjà là ato mais le flex est vraiment pas ouf a cause du système de débrayage et des plastique light. Soit c est dur soit tu t écrase dans le sabot.
Lange il me faudrait la HV mais ça existe pas en rigide et insert.

Ah b'en c'est plus 110 que 130 ouais. Mais avec des vrais chaussons (pas le papier à cigarette d'origine) au moins c'est précis.
Statut : Expert
inscrit le 03/01/07
2231 messages
Matos : 5 avis
Calixte ( 6 janv.) disait:

Just, tu penses quoi des chaussures 3 crochets (dalbello, FT, K2 etc) ?

Alors perso j arrive pas à skier avec, et beaucoup de mal à avoir de bonnes sensations de maintien avec. J ai eu krypton et full tilt et je pige pas le truc. Après les goûts les couleurs...
Statut : Expert
inscrit le 03/01/07
2231 messages
Matos : 5 avis
winstonsmith ( 6 janv.) disait:

just180 ( 6 janv.) disait:

C est ce que j ai déjà là ato mais le flex est vraiment pas ouf a cause du système de débrayage et des plastique light. Soit c est dur soit tu t écrase dans le sabot.
Lange il me faudrait la HV mais ça existe pas en rigide et insert.

Ah b'en c'est plus 110 que 130 ouais. Mais avec des vrais chaussons (pas le papier à cigarette d'origine) au moins c'est précis.

Oue mais j ai le zipfit, sans c est une giga tomme. Mais même j arrive plus à tenir les grands skis avec, et là l axe du collier et ovalisé tellement elles sont mortes et ya un jeu de ouf.
Statut : Confirmé
inscrit le 24/06/14
25K messages
Ah ouais fin de chantier quoi...
B'en tu chopes une coque de xt3 mv 130 d'occase et tu fais pousser. Je suis sûr que ça fait.
La pompe est dégueulasse visuellement mais c'est beaucoup plus raide que l'ato.
Statut : Gourou
inscrit le 07/12/16
3704 messages
Matos : 49 avis
Just, Atomic à changé les plastique des Hawx XTD cette année, fini les plastiques light ça a vraiment changé les pompes !
Statut : Expert
inscrit le 03/01/07
2231 messages
Matos : 5 avis
ah bon a savoir ça 🤔
Statut : Gourou
inscrit le 07/12/16
3704 messages
Matos : 49 avis
D'ailleurs ils ont aussi changé les chaussons donc il y a enfin des chaussons correct dans les XTD !
Sur ma pompe on parle de 500g en plus part pied tout de même.
Statut : Expert
inscrit le 03/01/07
2231 messages
Matos : 5 avis
Les chaussons ils dégagent direct quoi qu il arrive... Quand t as essayé zipfit...
Jean Poudreuse
Jean Poudreuse

inscrit le 18/12/18
26 messages
D'ailleurs Zipfit a un chausson de rando "light' en préparation, mixte mousse/cork.
Statut : Gourou
inscrit le 23/05/03
18K messages
Stations : 9 avisMatos : 134 avis
Maxlm ( 6 janv.) disait:

Just, Atomic à changé les plastique des Hawx XTD cette année, fini les plastiques light ça a vraiment changé les pompes !

Plutôt depuis la saison dernière...
J'en ai une paire (en 4 crochets pas en Boa) c'est vraiment bien. Bon, par-contre je bataille à trouver le chausson qui me va bien (pieds trop fins, et des bosses) pour cette pompe. Actuellement, je fais avec un Intuition 1.5mm ProTour, c'est pas mal, mais trop court aux mollets. J’attends avec impatience le chaussons injecté Hawks XTD, mais ça arrive au compte goute.
Le chausson de base est plutôt bon et bien fini, mais trop fin pour mes pieds.
Message modifié 1 fois. Dernière modification par Matiouf, 07/01/2025 - 14:25
Statut : Gourou
inscrit le 23/05/03
18K messages
Stations : 9 avisMatos : 134 avis
just180 ( 7 janv.) disait:

Les chaussons ils dégagent direct quoi qu il arrive... Quand t as essayé zipfit...

Ludo les faisant, j'y ai pensé aussi... Mais, la partie avant (en néoprène) me parait bien fine et tendre, je risque d'avoir du jeux aux métatarses
Statut : Expert
inscrit le 03/01/07
2231 messages
Matos : 5 avis
le néoprène est vraiment sur la partie doigt de pied. Si ton injection de Cork est bien faite le pied va pas bouger. Après ya les Low et High volume, attention les High volume ça veut dire qu il y a plus de matière donc pour pied plus fin. L inverse des coques quoi.
Statut : Gourou
inscrit le 23/05/03
18K messages
Stations : 9 avisMatos : 134 avis
arf je vais voir ça... je les ai regardé sans savoir qu'il y avait 2 épaisseurs... Merci pour l info.
Message modifié 1 fois. Dernière modification par Matiouf, 07/01/2025 - 14:53
Jean Poudreuse
Jean Poudreuse

inscrit le 18/12/18
26 messages
Après leurs Gara High et Low volume ce sont exactement les mm liners, juste le quantité de cork initialement présente qui est plus ou moins importante de base et ya toujours moyen de rajouter ou d enlever.
Statut : Gourou
inscrit le 07/12/16
3704 messages
Matos : 49 avis
sidas thermo @Matiouf.
Statut : Gourou
inscrit le 04/02/18
7719 messages
Matos : 16 avis
Pour la durée de vie du zipfit, ça vieillit bien ? Tu vas changer de coques mais est-ce que tu vas conserver le chausson @just ?
Statut : Expert
inscrit le 03/01/07
2231 messages
Matos : 5 avis
Calixte ( 7 janv.) disait:

Pour la durée de vie du zipfit, ça vieillit bien ? Tu vas changer de coques mais est-ce que tu vas conserver le chausson @just ?

Ca vieillit mieux que tout ce que j ai connu. Mes chaussons en sont à leur 2 -ème coques, 3 -ème année, et j ai prévu de les mettre dans les prochaines coques. Je ski pour moi et je bosse avec tout le temps soit au bas mot 250-300 jours (Et des journées de 8h), ils sont absolument nickel. Ils les vendent pour 300 jours de ski, mais c est le grand jeu chez eux d aller le plus loin possible avec. Il faut voir ca comme un investissement. Je suis très ( Extrêmement/ Malade /Psychopathe "rayé la mention inutile";) exigeant avec les pompes et j ai essayé a peut près tout les chaussons, Intuition c est bien mais pendant 10 sorties, Les injectés Sidas c est les plus précis mais froid, dur, inconfortable et toujours un gros problème de languette (Notamment chez SIDAS), les mousses sidas pas une durée de vie malade non plus, chaussons d origine de diverses marques ca devient vite degueu (quand ca l est pas d entrée, Dynafit si tu nous entend...). Bref j ai réglé 1 problème de longue date avec leur chausson, je me pose plus la question là dessus.
le fab
le fab
Statut : Expert
inscrit le 26/11/99
7416 messages
Matos : 12 avis

alors moi j'ai pas été convaincu par zipfit (festor m'a peut être un peu fait de la merde dans des coques trop grandes)
par contre sidas, ils ont un injecté "confort" avec une mousse plus molle et je trouve ca top !

Statut : Expert
inscrit le 03/01/07
2231 messages
Matos : 5 avis
Festor... Vous aimez vous flageller aussi hein ;)
L avantage de l injecté c est que tu te trompe pas trop, une fois que c est mis en œuvre ca dure deux bonne saisons. Par contre compliqué de le modifier une fois qu il a bouger. Et plus tu le prends confort plus il bouge vite (Vu qu il y a plus de mousse à tasser). Mon race je l ai gardé 2 ans. C est clair que ca marche, c est précis mais encore une fois niveau chaleur, confort et surtout poids ya mieux.
Reste que le plus important c est d avoir la coque qui te fit le mieux et au plus près direct. D ou l intérêt d essayer les pompes sans chaussons. Et mieux vaut prendre trop étroit et pousser que l inverse.
Statut : Expert
inscrit le 06/02/03
92K messages
festor soit on l'aime soit on le déteste :D
Statut : Expert
inscrit le 03/01/07
2231 messages
Matos : 5 avis
Ah mais il est très doué dans son rôle de grand sachème érudit torturé par le bootfiting. Au abord de Genève ca marche top ca. Ya quelques jeunes qui sortent de l école SIDAS et qui pousse jusqu' à la podologie largement aussi compétent et qui vous ne vous délesteront pas de 1400 balles pour une paire de pompe mais chacun et libre de ses choix ;)
le fab
le fab
Statut : Expert
inscrit le 26/11/99
7416 messages
Matos : 12 avis
J'ai pris la coque et le chausson chez sidas et j'en suis content
Festor moins
Statut : Expert
inscrit le 03/01/07
2231 messages
Matos : 5 avis

me demandez pas ce que c est...
Statut : Confirmé
inscrit le 17/12/12
306 messages
une imitation des déco "classe de dessin première année" de Rossignol 🤭 ?
Statut : Expert
inscrit le 01/07/05
8551 messages
Stations : 18 avisMatos : 91 avis
Blizzard Stormbird 82

Statut : Gourou
inscrit le 04/02/18
7719 messages
Matos : 16 avis
just180 ( 8 janv.) disait:

me demandez pas ce que c est...

Ugo Troubat poste les skis/la déco de l'année prochaine sur son insta
Statut : Expert
inscrit le 01/07/05
8551 messages
Stations : 18 avisMatos : 91 avis
2025 Ski Updates

2025 Ski Updates

2025 Ski Gear Previews
We are already looking forward to the 2025 season. The staff and crew at Ski Pro are so stoked to bring you a little bit of what next season has to offer. From BOA technology making waves in the world of ski boots, to huge updates to some old classics. We are excited to bring you the latest and greatest in ski gear for the 2025 season. Check out the latest from your favorite brands below.

Armada Atomic Blizzard Dynastar Elan Head K2 Line Nordica Rossignol Salomon Volkl

Armada Skis 2025

Armada introduces some updates this year, with the focus on the ARV 106 and 112 getting a new wood core and sizing up to 192cm. This should help more riders hunt for pow and stomp landings with ease.

Declivity X Series
Designed for power and speed, these big mountain skis are built to charge. The Declivity X series is a new addition to the Armada lineup and is designed to be a powerful and stable ski for the most aggressive skiers. The declivity X will be available in 102, 108, and 115 waist widths.

Graphics Updates
Across the Declivity X Series, Armada is leaning into a graphic style that gives retro/future vibes, clearly earning them a top spot in the 2025 lineup.

2025 ARV 100
"The ARV really surprised me with how playful it was while still being stable at speed. This is probably the ski that best matches the type of skiing I enjoy doing day to day. I give this ski a 9/10." -Dan, Ski Pro Mesa

2025 Armada Declivity 88C
“Wowzah!! These are fast! For a ski without metal that anyone could ski, this is a very easy turning yet stable option. I felt in control, even at top speeds. It is soft enough to have the flexibility and forgiveness to go on any groomer and the stability to hold an edge on the hard and fast snow. Armada does it again!” -Julian, Ski Pro Desert Ridge

2025 Armada ARV 106
“It's crazy how a 106 park style ski can ski nice and smooth at real speed. It is also crazy how stable and nibble this ski can carve long and short turns. Very nice. I almost felt young and cool on this ski.” -Andy, Ski Pro Desert Ridge

Atomic Skis 2025

New for 2025, Atomic brings in the Maverick 105 and 115 CTI Ski, along with the Maven 103 CTI Ski. These skis combine the lightness of carbon and the dampness of metal to create a ski that is both lightweight and plenty powerful. The construction of these skis is also more eco-friendly than ever before.

Atomic is launching the addition of a Magna Ski Boot to the XTD series lineup to help backcountry riders with wider feet get the perfect fit. The Magna Boot is a 102mm last and is available in both the 130, 120, and 105W flex options.

2025 Atomic Maverick 105 CTI
"The Maverick CTI was a bomber ski that was fairly lightweight for how smooth it rode. It had plenty of pop for the side hits and a surprising amount of edge hold on the icy slopes. This could easily be a one ski quiver for the guys that need a powerful but nimble ski." -Justin, Ski Pro Mesa

Blizzard Skis 2025

Black Pearls
The industry-leading women's ski, the Black Pearl, is getting a whole redesign for the 2025 season. Three titanal sheets and the true blend wood core give the ski dampness and stability while the updated rocker line will make the ski more playful and easier to turn.

We say "so long" to the Cochise, Bonafide, and Brahma series skis, and "hello" to the Anomaly series. The Anomaly series is a new lineup of skis that are designed to be more approachable and easier to ski than the skis they are replacing, with zero compromise on the performance and power of their predecessors. These skis will mirror the Black Pearl construction and be available in 84, 88, 94, and 102 Waist Widths.

The Rustlers remain the same this season but with a new graphic update. The Rustler series is a great option for the skier who wants a ski that can do it all. This will continue to be one of our top choices for a one ski quiver for anybody.

2025 Blizzard Rustler 10
“I was greatly wowed with the performance of the Rustler 10. While on snow it performed phenomenally in every scenario. The H shaped titanal sheet added a perfect amount of support and stability at high speeds. It busted over chunder and broke through crud. This is a fun freeride oriented ski that was easy to swing around in tight technical scenarios due to the amount of rocker in the tips and tails but held an edge and carved surprisingly well. This ski brought a smile to my face and did not disappoint when driven hard. The Rustler 10 is the true definition of a One Ski Quiver killer, and it makes sense why it was noted as Freeskier Buyer’s Guide’s number one rated ski in the 100-105 waist width category for the year of 2024." -Brad, Ski Pro Mesa

2025 Blizzard Rustler 10
“Surfy, powerful, and stable. The rustler got the job done in all conditions. Given the amount of rocker on the tip and tail, I expected this ski to be a bit chattery on the ice, but it wasn't at all. This ski handled jumps and side hits like a champ, but also gave me confidence in the bumps and trees.” -Justin, Ski Pro Mesa

Dynastar Skis 2025

As an inclusive lineup, the M-Pro series of skis is designed to be a versatile and will cater to the masses. With new unisex sizing and an updated profile, the M-Pro promises to ski easier yet have greater balance and control. The women's M-Pro Ski will have identical construction in slightly different sizes.

The M-Free Ski is getting marginal improvements based on reviews from pro athletes. The only notable change is a beefed-up tail that will provide a bit more airtime for those freeride skiiers.

2025 Dynastar E-Cross 88
“Very playful feel, able to mess around but also held really well on turns and in harder pack snow. Perfect balance.” -Tehya, Ski Pro Desert Ridge

Elan Skis 2025

2025 Ripsticks will have a slightly different construction that makes the ski a little more capable across various conditions. A slight change in the carbon layup will make the ski a little damper and more stable while still maintaining the same lightweight feel.

The Playmakers are a freestyle powerhouse ski that are designed to be playful and poppy. The 2025 Playmakers will have a similar graphic to last year and a slightly updated profile that will make the ski a little more stable at high speeds. These skis were a favorite among our staff last season and continued to be a top pick at our latest demo day.

2025 Elan Ripstick 88
“The Elan Ripstick was a great ski that caters to wide audience of riders. The ski is stable and performs exceptionally well when put on edge and loves to carve. I found it enjoyable in the hard pack conditions that it was tested in. It provides a surprisingly stable ride given its light weight.” -Brad, Ski Pro Mesa

2025 Elan Ripstick Black Edition 96
“Skis great at high speeds.” -Pete, Ski Pro Desert Ridge

2025 Elan Ripstick 96
“This is a light and lively ski which can go fast enough for 90% of skiers. It won't be too stiff for the skier who thinks they are a go-fast skier, but truly need a ski that will turn easier. The Black 96 is the ski for the skier who does go really fast, as this is my number 1 choice for a ski that can't go fast enough... so stable!!!” -Andy, Ski Pro Desert Ridge

2025 Elan Wingman
“I really wanted to try out the Ripstick, but the rep said I’d be better off with the wingman because the snow was firm and icy, and he was right. It was substantially better at carving the ice than anything else I demonstrated. I’d love to add one to my quiver for those all-too-common days of hard-pack snow.” -John, Ski Pro Mesa

Nordica Skis 2025

Enforcer & Santa Ana Overhaul
Nordica’s flagship line up gets a makeover for 2025. The Enforcer and Santa Ana ski series will receive an all-new wood core, a double layer titanal laminate, and a layer of rubber. This combination will deliver an exceptionally smooth riding experience but allow the skis to be nimbler and more efficient than previous generations. Nordica’s hope is that this new build will be more accessible to less experienced skiers, but also provide the aggressiveness that hardened skiers will expect.

HF Pro
This is a much-needed addition to the Nordica HF Series boots. The HF Pro is an all-new design based off the previous generation HF boot. Complete with a narrower last, an aluminum reinforced chassis and spine, along with an improved closure system, this boot should satisfy the expectations of advanced and aggressive skiers looking for the convenience and ease of use of a rear-entry boot.

Speed Machine 3 BOA
A welcome addition to Nordica’s already fantastic ski boots, the Speed Machine Boa promises a better fitting, more adaptable all-mountain boot.

2025 Nordica Santa Ana 94
“Really fun at high speeds and held turns well in the harder pack snow but had a lighter feel when going through softer snow conditions.” -Tehya, Ski Pro Desert Ridge

Head Skis 2025

Head’s Supershape Series has undergone a pretty thorough redesign over the last few seasons. With construction remaining the same, the new 2025 versions get an updated shape that improves the skis turn initiation. The new shape makes the skis a bit more predictable in and out of the turn, but still maintains the locked in feel that you’d expect from the Supershape.

Head has announced something exciting for the backcountry fanatics among us- a full new line-up of touring specific, lightweight skis. The Crux will be available in 99, 93, 87, and 81mm widths, while the Crux Pro, supercharged with a full carbon jacket and reduced weight, will be available in a 105, 99, 93, 87, 81mm widths.

K2 Skis 2025

K2’s Freestyle Lineup receives the most updates this year. Up first is the Reckoner Series... New 124, 110, 110W, and 102W size waists are introduced complete with K2s Aspen Core and Spectral Braid tech, that keeps these skis lightweight, but plenty mighty. Karl Fostvedt joins in on the fun and introduces a new pro model in the reckoner series- the Reckoner KF. These 114 waisted skis have tons of rocker and are significantly softer than its siblings, perfectly matching Karl’s iconic style. A Revolve KF FL3X boot will also be offered to match. Additionally, K2s Poachers and Midnight skis are being replaced by a new lineup: OMEN. Omen series skis will be available in four waists- The Omen Team 96, Omen 90, and Omen 85. These skis are in essence the same as the Poachers- but will now be offered in unisex sizing across the board.

As expected, K2 significantly broadens the use of BOA tech this year. The introduction of BOA to the BFC line-up is a no brainer. The BOA BFC brings improved comfort and performance to an already comfortable boot. If you need a wide boot, or a boot that emphasizes comfort, you need to check out the BOA BFC.

2025 K2 Reckoner 102
“I love the new width! Playful and soft. This ski is great for the skier that likes the softer snow and the trees and likes to play around in the terrain park as well. Great set up for someone looking to complement their stiff groomer ski but doesn’t want commit to a full powder ski.” -Julian, Ski Pro Desert Ridge

2025 K2 Mindbender 89 Ti
“It was fun to compare my carbon version to the TI version. It’s a solid ski best for heavier, harder charging folks who want speed and stability. Personally, I’ll stick with my carbons.” -John, Ski Pro Mesa

Line Skis 2025

Lines best update this year is their overhaul of the Pandora. With a whole new construction, shape, and profile loosely mirroring the Bacon series, these are sure to please anyone looking to expand their all-mountain freeride quiver. The Pandoras will now be available in 106, 00, 92, and 85mm waists with FULL SIZE RUNS from 155-189cm.

2025 Line Pandora 99
“Very fun ski withstands high speeds and hard snow. Performs best in softer snow and has a playful feel.” -Tehya, Ski Pro Desert Ridge

Rossignol Skis 2025

Skis with SOUL
Easy to ride, but plenty fun. The new Rally Bird Soul and Sender Soul line up from Rossignol are sure to be crowd pleasers. The honeycomb tip construction from the OG Souls skis is back, alongside a poplar core and Rossi’s proprietary Line Control Tech. These will be a fabulous choice for those to make the whole mountain their playground.

Sender Free
As the industry pushes towards providing more gender-neutral free-ride skis for everyone, the Sender Free Series will be right at the forefront. The improved construction of the Sender Free 110 and 118 promises the best powder/free-ride performance in full size runs: 160-191cm for the 110 ski and 176-186 for the 116 ski. These progressive profile skis will make ripping through powder stashes off-piste a breeze for all who choose this ski for their quiver.

2025 Rossignol Sender Free 110
“The Sender Free 110 is the perfect ski for that rider that loves to chase powder, search out side hits, and press their skis all over the mountain. The soft and rockered tips and tails make this ski a blast to trick around with. On the contrary the fatter waist width and TI PLUS BEAM mixed CARBON ALLOY MATRIX adds plenty of support under foot, making it stable and enjoyable to blast through crud. It was truly surprising how fun this ski was while staying damp and stable. The only downside to this ski is it’s carving abilities, but what do expect from a ski 110mm under waist.” -Brad, Ski Pro Mesa

2025 Rossignol Sender Free 110
“For how soft the sender feels in the tips and tails it still holds an edge on packed snow while moving decently quick. The ski is very playful in the nose and tails, making it very easy to get into a nose or tail press. For the conditions I got to ride it in, it did well but I’m very excited to try this ski out on a powder day.” -Dan, Ski Pro Mesa

Salomon Skis 2025

The new 116 powder ripper, the QST X, joins the Blank and Echo in Salomon’s highly regarded freeride powerhouse models. The QST X will be a favorite of big-mountain enthusiasts and pro riders looking for a slashy ski for those steep and deep days. This savory Salomon ski is available in 178cm, 184cm, and 192cm lengths.

Stance Upgrades
Some marginal improvements have been added to the Stance line-up along with the addition of an 80mm version. These approachable all-mountain skis were a hit last year and will continue to be for years to come. Seriously- these are some of our favorite daily drivers for all skill levels.

2025 Rossignol Sender Free 110
“Once again, the Salomon Stance makes it into my top picks. The Ski is light, damp, stable, and plenty playful. This is my one ski quiver killer for 2025. Graphics are clean and simple, the construction is solid, and the ski is very easy to engage.” -Brad, Ski Pro Mesa

2025 Salomon Stance 90
“For how soft the sender feels in the tips and tails it still holds an edge on packed snow while moving decently quick. The ski is very playful in the nose and tails, making it very easy to get into a nose or tail press. For the conditions I got to ride it in, it did well but I’m very excited to try this ski out on a powder day.” -Justin, Ski Pro Mesa

Volkl Skis 2025

Mantra Collection
Volkl has taken steps to solidify their freeride collection, distilling several modals into one uniform category. The Kendo, Katana, and Mantra will now be one of the following: Mantra 88, 96, 102, 108. The New Mantra 96 AKA M7 Mantra is promised to be more fun and versatile than the M6 Mantra. The New “4 Radius Drive” adds a 4th radius to the tip section for easier engagement and turn initiation, especially in uneven, choppy snow conditions.

2025 Volkl Mantra 102
“The Mantra 102 was very solid at speed and doesn’t feel like a 102mm waist when getting from edge to edge. The ski wasn’t as poppy as I originally thought it was going to be. Overall, I give the ski a 9/10.” -Dan, Ski Pro Mesa

2025 Volkl Mantra 88
“This ski was great for that early morning bullet proof ice. The Mantra 88, the spiritual successor to the tried-and-true Kendo 88, was lightweight, yet very stable and smooth. The 3D Radius allowed the ski to turn tight when I was in the trees and long on those steeper groomed runs.” -Justin, Ski Pro Mesa

Message modifié 2 fois. Dernière modification par monax1, 08/01/2025 - 14:31
Statut : Expert
inscrit le 01/07/05
8551 messages
Stations : 18 avisMatos : 91 avis
du fluo

Statut : Expert
inscrit le 28/10/04
1487 messages
Matos : 16 avis
Monax: c'est un article pour le matos 2025 que tu as posté ;)
Statut : Confirmé
inscrit le 21/03/06
2744 messages
Matos : 2 avis
skijeff68 ( 8 janv.) disait:

Monax: c'est un article pour le matos 2025 que tu as posté ;)

Vu les couleurs des chaussures noir/violet/bleu ciel j'ai comme un doute
Statut : Expert
inscrit le 01/07/05
8551 messages
Stations : 18 avisMatos : 91 avis
skijeff68 ( 8 janv.) disait:

Monax: c'est un article pour le matos 2025 que tu as posté ;)

oui j'ai jamais réussi à le supprimer désolé! ;)

inscrit le 10/11/08
11 messages
Matos : 2 avis
just180 ( 7 janv.) disait:

Calixte ( 7 janv.) disait:

Pour la durée de vie du zipfit, ça vieillit bien ? Tu vas changer de coques mais est-ce que tu vas conserver le chausson @just ?

Ca vieillit mieux que tout ce que j ai connu. Mes chaussons en sont à leur 2 -ème coques, 3 -ème année, et j ai prévu de les mettre dans les prochaines coques. Je ski pour moi et je bosse avec tout le temps soit au bas mot 250-300 jours (Et des journées de 8h), ils sont absolument nickel. Ils les vendent pour 300 jours de ski, mais c est le grand jeu chez eux d aller le plus loin possible avec. Il faut voir ca comme un investissement. Je suis très ( Extrêmement/ Malade /Psychopathe "rayé la mention inutile";) exigeant avec les pompes et j ai essayé a peut près tout les chaussons, Intuition c est bien mais pendant 10 sorties, Les injectés Sidas c est les plus précis mais froid, dur, inconfortable et toujours un gros problème de languette (Notamment chez SIDAS), les mousses sidas pas une durée de vie malade non plus, chaussons d origine de diverses marques ca devient vite degueu (quand ca l est pas d entrée, Dynafit si tu nous entend...). Bref j ai réglé 1 problème de longue date avec leur chausson, je me pose plus la question là dessus.

Bonjour à tous,
ayant pas mal de soucis de froid au pied dans mes chaussures, je suis interessé par les chaussons zipfit.
@just180, y a t-il un shop qui en vends autour d'annecy ?