Les messages d'OleE sur les forums

I'm seeking for somebody to go randoneeing in Grenoble with!!!
[sujet commencé par OleE]

OleE, 17/02/2006
Crap, feel sorry for you. Hope you get good fast. I think Aare is gonna be good in the end of march, jumps and pipe not made of blue ice. But you should also...
OleE, 17/02/2006
Also sorry if its not randonee but skitouring or alpinetouring. I picked up this word from some US sites and friends here home in Norway (not Brice, hehe)....
OleE, 17/02/2006
Hey Brice!! Yeah, lots of people have taken contact and are very nice. I think I will get some good tours in the area around Grenoble. Looking forward to it,...
OleE, 17/02/2006
Ok, mp must mean mobilephone right??!! Yeah I would like to go skiing so let me know your number and I will call or send an SMS. Oki fsnemisis ?? Ole
OleE, 15/02/2006
Please answer in english yes, hehe, I dont speak French yet...

Backcountry Freeriding in Grenoble!!
[sujet commencé par OleE]

OleE, 16/02/2006
Hey, yes I am from NTNU, doing a Phd on PEM fuel cells after ending my master in electrochemistry here at NTNU. Good snow conditions last weekend in local...
OleE, 15/02/2006
Hehe, I will do my best to follow anywhere you go!! I was thinking about going to some restorts and go offpisting, but also walk to the tops of some moutains...
OleE, 15/02/2006
I wanna go powderskiing, preferably on a biig mountain, with out other people, hehe.
OleE, 15/02/2006
Hello my name is OleErich Haas and I need somebody to go backcountry skiing randoneeing with in the Grenoble area. I'm a 26 year old PhD student from...