NobruDude (12 mars 2015) disait:
Oh putaing, heureusement qu'il avait un airbag l'anglois !!
Ce serait intéressant (mais dans un autre post dédié, STP) d'en savoir plus : l'orientation et la pente du couloir, quelles étaient les conditions les jours qui ont précédé, etc... c'est toujours instructif d'analyser des cas comme ça !
Mais sur un autre post, je rappelle que je cherche des amis avant tout
Quelques infos en plus issues du post sur la page FB de Whitedot :
"This season has been very volatile with regards to snow pack, there have been a lot of incidents, with a lot being not far from what most deem a 'safe' distance from the 'reliability' of the piste.
As a company we can't stress the importance of safety enough when you are out enjoying the mountains and your skiing. Whitedot Skis friend, Benjamin Styles recently found himself in a less than ideal situation in Tignes, here is what he had to say about it:
'It doesn't matter how much or how little skiing you have done, if you're not careful out there, you can easily get caught out which is unfortunately what happened to me on Saturday 28th March. Even with the snow conditions this season there is still some good freeriding to be had, after 15cm of fresh the day before I went to look at the skiers right of the Tufs de la Toviere, or Mickey's Ears for those who ski in Tignes.
"We skied a smaller line further to the skiers right first and the snow seemed stable, the snowfall had barely covered the tracks from before. Going up for a second time we thought we would look at the couloir in the video, it was untouched. It gets narrow and steep quickly, meaning it is a blind rollover as you drop in. I was so focused on getting my speed right and lining up for the narrow section that I failed to see what was happening around me, and as obvious as it looks in the video, I didn't see it fracture. I had tunnel vision and on my last turn I caught some rocks and it set me off balance - that was it, next thing I know I'm being taken down, tumbling, I scrape over some rocks, activate my ABS, do whatever I can to try and stop my mouth filling with snow before I came to rest at the bottom, nearly 300m from where I got taken out.
"However comfortable you feel you are with the snow, you can never forget about it. I was too focused on the other aspect which was skiing the line smoothly, it turns out I didn't even manage that and I came away with a few scrapes and bruises. It could have been a lot worse though until you are in that situation, you never realise how quickly it can go wrong""
PS : marrant comme ces vidéos intéressent (CF les coms sur Vimeo)
Message modifié 1 fois. Dernière modification par KillaWhale, 13/03/2015 - 16:39
inscrit le 25/04/13
424 messages