Les messages de teleoski sur les forums

Matos telemark
[sujet commencé par ToP_MoUmOuT]

teleoski, 14/09/2005 - 09:30
italian telemarker ski: K2 seth Vicious 179 Tua Sumo 170 bindings: rottefella R8 G3 T9 boots: T2 Crispi CXR forse ;P

Scarpa T1 vs T-Race
[sujet commencé par teleoski]

teleoski, 04/09/2005 - 14:45
perfect!!! but they still produce them?
teleoski, 03/09/2005 - 15:08
or Crispi XRC ?
teleoski, 31/08/2005 - 17:20
the legs with the Trace break itself noooooooooooooooo I have fear
teleoski, 31/08/2005 - 14:43
better in English thanks Most of the telemarker talk about contests I pertain to the Trace, but contests in piste or offpiste?
teleoski, 31/08/2005 - 10:21
Bonjour, j'ai voulu quelque conseil sur le Soulier [T1 contre la TRACE] Comment vous vous trouvez dans le parc et dans frais avec ces bottes ? Je...

Seth Vicious 189
[sujet commencé par R.A.F.]

teleoski, 23/08/2005 - 15:53
ITALIANO:::: vi ringrazio per i complimenti, mi fanno molto piacere io sono un telemarker italiano, uno dei pochi purtoppo... trovo moltissimo materiale...
teleoski, 22/08/2005 - 10:55
Je ne comprends pas le Français, éprouvera pour utiliser un traducteur sur l'internet pour faire me comprend, n'estce pas ? bonjour
teleoski, 21/08/2005 - 11:03
Friend there is not that from ask.. ;) LANTERNA SPORT Articoli sportivi Via Cernaia n. 1a 20121 MILAN Italy Tel. 02655.54.39 The owner is...
teleoski, 20/08/2005 - 16:38
In Milan, Seth vicious 330 € in fact, I've buy it

Seth Vicious TELEMARK
[sujet commencé par teleoski]

teleoski, 21/07/2005 - 09:31
Even if! I come from Milan, but Alagna is at an hour and half by car. It is a fantastic place for the freeride, not because sponsor it, but because is...
teleoski, 19/07/2005 - 09:13
I agree, but the Anitpiste is not twintip(I'm sure), I wanted a ski from ignorant excursions, too... ;P however I am happy of the mine new purchase,...
teleoski, 18/07/2005 - 22:23
You have reason, but the Hippy S. is too expensive, it begins to have its years, knows me that the next year will go out a novelty model of fattwintip...
teleoski, 17/07/2005 - 15:23
Thanks to all, I was myself almost getting angry .. I wanted to know, if the seth viocious would be able to be an ideal ski the telemark. . . very...
teleoski, 07/07/2005 - 19:14
Bonjour à tout, juste j'ai acheté le Seth Vicious 179, et je les suis montés avec G3 TARGA T9, la chose a pensé de lui...