Les messages de StefThisMemento sur les forums

Wanted! Freeride skier/snowboarder from Lyon
[sujet commencé par StefThisMemento]

StefThisMemento, 27/02/2013 - 14:55
I shouldn't underestimate the French people ;) But I'll put a Google Translate underneath. It might not be in perfect French, but people can read it...
StefThisMemento, 26/02/2013 - 16:59
Hello riders from Lyon! My name is Stef and I work for This Memento, a research agency based in Amsterdam. For a client of ours, we're looking for...

Wanted! Freeriders from Lyon
[sujet commencé par StefThisMemento]

StefThisMemento, 26/02/2013 - 17:16
Hello riders from Lyon! My name is Stef and I work for This Memento, a research agency based in Amsterdam. For a client of ours, we're looking for...