Les messages de Ray_Doray sur les forums

11ème derby des pyrenees
[sujet commencé par ainhoa]

Ray_Doray, 15/10/2013 - 16:40
[quote=[b]Xabier[b] (15 oct. 2013)] [img]scontenta.xx.fbcdn.net [quote] Well, looks like this one is for me, eh? Hi folks!

16/03/2013 Derby des Pyrénées > 10#
[sujet commencé par ainhoa]

Ray_Doray, 20/07/2012 - 18:08
Hi guys and hi Mauricette! Sorry to have been away for so long. Does the Tour de la France goes up to Piau this summer?
Ray_Doray, 25/06/2012 - 11:03
Hi les gars, end of working day :) Going home to chill in the pool. Still so good to read you althoug I do not catch everything you say, really hope to be...
Ray_Doray, 19/06/2012 - 21:55
Salut tous! Je aime beaucoup votre Derby Pyrenees! Hope to be with you for 10th edition next year, indeed. But it is hard to catch all what you write folks!