Les messages de garmont2005 sur les forums

k2 obsethed 2011 tested
[sujet commencé par garmont2005]

garmont2005, 20/07/2010
for me 2010 is super ski!!!!!!! in all terrain! im 175cm i have 179 for big m. will be good a 189. but... i wait 2012.. with the hope that like 2010...
garmont2005, 17/03/2010
obsethed 2011 is god on hard snow, not ice snow :)
garmont2005, 16/03/2010
Hello I have bought and used k2 Obsethed 2010 and 2011 model skiforum.it both good skis, ski different: the 2010 model is better in the forest in 2011...

news about dynastar legend 2011?
[sujet commencé par garmont2005]

garmont2005, 15/12/2009
news about dynastar legend 2011? ciao!"!!

dynastar legend xxl 187
[sujet commencé par garmont2005]

garmont2005, 24/04/2009
e' uno sci incredibile!!! stupendo... ciao ciao!!! buona fine stagione! arriva neve!
garmont2005, 22/04/2009
perfect ski, im 175 cm. my xxl measure 187 mounted with marker baron in all kind of snow, the skis is precise, stable, fast. the tips are flex...

legend pro rider and legend pro rider xxl 2009/2010
[sujet commencé par garmont2005]

garmont2005, 19/03/2009
vala' ebeti impare' a sciare
garmont2005, 19/03/2009
ok thx you friends!!!!
garmont2005, 19/03/2009
aloha... im italinan, im 32, i live near dolomites. my english isn't good... i use it very rarely. sometimes i use google translate.. :)...
garmont2005, 19/03/2009
I cm. 175 and use per rider 184_ I want to ski with a ski more 'off and I thought the pro xxl Rier. but I do not want a ski too hard. if the...
garmont2005, 19/03/2009
hello use Dynastar legend pro rider from time. now I have the model legend pro rider 2009_ I want to know: the pro rider xxl 2009 has the same...

info video dynastar freeride 2008
[sujet commencé par garmont2005]

garmont2005, 24/05/2007
biglines.com ore voir

looking for SKI dynastar legend pro rider season 2005/2006
[sujet commencé par garmont2005]

garmont2005, 24/05/2007
[quote=[b]SpicyGirl[b] (14 mai 2007 13 h 10)] Bon, allez, je fais la traduction pour notre ami italien: Il est intéressé par les pro rider...
garmont2005, 24/05/2007
[quote=[b]garmont2005[b] (14 mai 2007 01 h 48)] [quote=[b]garmont2005[b] (14 mai 2007 01 h 47)] hi, im looking for this sfreeride ski:...
garmont2005, 24/05/2007
hi guys thx you very much.. i have find what im looking4 in france shop :=) pro rider 2005 season new 186 thx you (sorry for mya...
garmont2005, 14/05/2007
[quote=[b]garmont2005[b] (14 mai 2007 01 h 47)] hi, im looking for this sfreeride ski: DYNASTAR LEGEND...
garmont2005, 14/05/2007
hi, im looking for this sfreeride ski: DYNASTAR LEGEND PRO RIDER 186 OR 184 CM. SEASON 20052006 >...