0 Test matos Arbor Foundation.

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Description du Arbor Foundation :
Un cambre parabolique inversé pour les riders dont la priorité est de pousser leurs limites au niveau supérieur. The Foundation is our starting place: a quality--made, entry--level snowboard with style. It's the perfect board for riders who want to get to the next level. The Foundation is a Rocker System design that's easy to ride and will help you stay on the mountain longer.
(Fournie par Arbor)
Technologie : Spoonhead Tips4x4 8--Pack InsertsSingle Malt CoreBiax Glassing360 RailsExtruded BaseThree--Year Warranty

Prix recommandé : 379 €
Type. All Mountain Freestyle Niveau. Débutant
Tailles. 148 152 155 158 CM 159mw 161 162mw Rayon de courbe. m



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