0 Test matos Burton Sherlock.

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Description du Burton Sherlock :
La Sherlock est la solution pour explorer les modules naturels, les accumulations de fraîche et les régions vierges de traces. Elle avale tout sur son passage grâce à sa flottabilité en neige profonde et sa combinaison de Classique avec Rocker et de Side Effects la place dans la même catégorie freeride que la Barracuda mais avec la polyvalence freestyle de la Custom. Ce deck de niveau pro est celui que Mikey Rencz et Mark Sollors emportent en motoneige lors des tournages avec leur crew ...
(Fournie par Burton)

Prix recommandé : 490 €
Type. All Mountain Freeride Niveau. Avancé
Tailles. 154. CM 157. 160. 163. Rayon de courbe. 6.19m Stance de référence. 530 mm Carre effective. 110 cm

Classique avec Rocker
Classique avec Rocker


10 Commentaires

freeride65 bonjour
je viens de tester la sherlock blackjack en 60 avec 50 de poudre au tourmalet et vraiement mortele cette board pour un niveau intermediaire rien a dire ca tourne tout seul pfouuu !!!excellent !!!! je la conseille donc a bon entendeur, salut

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Laura That's more than snseilbe! That's a great post!

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What is even more sad is that we are paying for soda anc chips for those on food stamps. When I was in high school back when food stamps first came out, I worked in the small town grocery where I lived, there were many restrictions on what could be purchased with food stamps.Took early retirement a couple years ago and for a part time job thought working in a grocery again would be interesting–it is–but it is disappointing to see all the unhealthy food purchased with food stamps–then those who use there food stamps foolishly end up with myraid health problems due to their poor diet and welfare picks up their medical care. Seriously, people come through the line, buy $100 or more of food and all too often 95% of what they purchase is soda, chips, candy, cookies, ice cream, gum–on food stamps???????????????????I support healthy food for all, but have to wonder if the junk food industry and AMA haven’t teamed up to get the grossly relaxed food stamp regulations adopted in the last 40 years.



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What is even more sad is that we are paying for soda anc chips for those on food stamps. When I was in high school back when food stamps first came out, I worked in the small town grocery where I lived, there were many restrictions on what could be purchased with food stamps.Took early retirement a couple years ago and for a part time job thought working in a grocery again would be interesting–it is–but it is disappointing to see all the unhealthy food purchased with food stamps–then those who use there food stamps foolishly end up with myraid health problems due to their poor diet and welfare picks up their medical care. Seriously, people come through the line, buy $100 or more of food and all too often 95% of what they purchase is soda, chips, candy, cookies, ice cream, gum–on food stamps???????????????????I support healthy food for all, but have to wonder if the junk food industry and AMA haven’t teamed up to get the grossly relaxed food stamp regulations adopted in the last 40 years.



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What is even more sad is that we are paying for soda anc chips for those on food stamps. When I was in high school back when food stamps first came out, I worked in the small town grocery where I lived, there were many restrictions on what could be purchased with food stamps.Took early retirement a couple years ago and for a part time job thought working in a grocery again would be interesting–it is–but it is disappointing to see all the unhealthy food purchased with food stamps–then those who use there food stamps foolishly end up with myraid health problems due to their poor diet and welfare picks up their medical care. Seriously, people come through the line, buy $100 or more of food and all too often 95% of what they purchase is soda, chips, candy, cookies, ice cream, gum–on food stamps???????????????????I support healthy food for all, but have to wonder if the junk food industry and AMA haven’t teamed up to get the grossly relaxed food stamp regulations adopted in the last 40 years.



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