7 Tests Majesty LumberJack.

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Note moyenne : 9/10
145 mm
120 mm
155 mm
Description du Majesty Lumberjack :
It is time to get back to the roots. Well-known performance in a classic edition. The new Lumberjack is equipped with a veneer top sheet and matt finish. Handcrafted wooden skis with a detailed finish, long-life wood core flex and timeless wooden design. Lumberjacks are the true powder floating machines made to satisfy the constant urge to search for backcountry kickers, log slides and snow pillows. Rocker design supports easy spins in powder and effortless maneuvering between trees. The ...
(Fournie par Majesty)
Technologie : construction: rocker,flat cambershape: directional twin tipflex: directional flex ratio: 4rocker type: 300mm (tips & tails)

Prix recommandé : 619 € (skis nus)
Type. Freestyle BC Niveau. Expert Poids (g). 2120 G le ski
Tailles. 175 185 CM 194 Rayon de courbe. 20m
Double rocker
Cambre normal Double rocker
Cambre normal

Points forts

Notre communauté a posté 7 avis sur ce ski. Les 1 points forts suivants ont été identifiés par les testeurs:
  • Accessibilité & confort


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