Rossignol Experience MW

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Description du Rossignol Experience MW :
L'Experience MagTek de Rossignol Snowboards en version large.
(Fournie par Rossignol)
Technologie : Shape : Twin Directionnel avec Rocker AmpTek All-Mountain,Flex : Super Directionnel,Spatules : Rayon Progressif 770,Largeur Patin : 261mm,Rayon : 9.6 et 10.4 ...

Prix recommandé : 519 € / 799 CHF
Type. All Mountain Freeride Niveau. Expert
Tailles. 164. 168. CM Rayon de courbe. 10,0m Stance de référence. 540 mm Carre effective. 129 cm

Classique avec Rocker
Classique avec Rocker


3 Commentaires

Rodrigo Heya Ian the Ridley website is very well dieltaed on the sizing aspects, but i ordered a 52cm (normally ride a 54cm, but i like a shorter top tube, and Ridley's all seem to come long'.)I'm 5'10, and my inseam is about 33 . I didn't have to cut the seat mast either, i've just added in the smallest spacer, and it seems about right!Let me know if you have any other q's, it rides like a dream!!!

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