Lib Tech Lost X Lib Retro Ripper

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Description du Lib Tech Lost X Lib Retro Ripper :
Matt Biolos' Japan inspired floaty nosed, powder loving swallow tail... an instant classic wall hanger that rips the whole mountain. The Retro Ripper loves riding in the storm or quiet meditative woodsy hikes into secret pow stashes for days after the last snowfall. This thing is made for smooth speedy lines and explosive slashes... take an average day and make it more surfy... take a great pow day make a memory that lasts a lifetime. Long floaty low entry nose, set back camber, beautiful ...
(Fournie par Lib Tech)
Technologie : MAGNETRACTION + OP ORIGINAL POWER : Léger, environnemental, puissant. Noyau : 75% tremble 25% paulownia. Verre : fibre triaxial / biaxial. Topshit : sublimà ...

Prix recommandé : 650 €
Type. Freeride Niveau. Avancé
Tailles. 166 CM Rayon de courbe. 8.3m



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