Gnu Smart Pickle Ladies

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Description du Gnu Smart Pickle Ladies :
The Human Body is Asymmetric. Turn mechanics for toe and heelside are completely different. The angle of attack you can achieve on a toeside turn is much steeper than what is possible on a heelside turn because of ankle, knee and hip dynamics. Your toes are like fingers offering much more refined micro managed edge control on a toe side turn. Your heels line up directly under your ankle and legs offering a powerful direct connection to the heelside edge. We have built the Smart Pickle in ...
(Fournie par Gnu)
Technologie : Twin Asymmetric Freestyle, Smart PBTX, Smart Magne-Traction, Core: Polonia, Great Lakes Aspen and Columbian Gold, Co Ex Top, UHMW Sidewalls, Sintered Base

Prix recommandé : 500 €
Type. All Mountain Freestyle Niveau. Avancé
Tailles. 140. 144. CM 148. 152. Rayon de courbe. 8 - 7.8m Stance de référence. 549 mm Carre effective. 108 cm

Mixte (double cambre etc...)
Mixte (double cambre etc...)


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