
inscrit le 23/3/07
4 messages
Hi, I have some occasion to buy the Newmark Free-Look binding. I would like to ask some questions. I am skiing with Rottefella freedom for two years.

I have read the Newmark had before some problems with breaking (improved allegedly in version 2) and problem that the Newmark damaged the boot (Scarpa TX Pro) so the boot cannot be used with Rottefella freedom any more.
I have 63kg only, I think there will be no risk of binding breaking. Could you give me any comments please?

Is it possible by Newmark to adjust it for diverse length of boots? In which range? I suppose to use skis with the Newmark together with my girlfriend (she has shoe sole 275mm and I have 310mm).

As the touring and alpin modus – is there any crucial difference between current touring binding (Dynafit, etc.) and Newmark? The Newmark has an additional tele modus...

Thanks Karel

inscrit le 23/3/07
4 messages
Vous me pouvez repondre en francais. Merci.

inscrit le 2/2/05
634 messages
Matos : 5 avis

Le sujet newmark est pas mal abordé ici, je pense qu'il te faut poser tes question aux rares personnes qui ont cette fix.
skipass.com [Modo]
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inscrit le 1/2/01
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