
inscrit le 28/1/03
1 message
Very urgent request.... I'm disappointed in the fact I can't find new hard boots in Belgium nor the ski station I always go (Flaine).... can somebody advice me a shop or contact person where to buy new ones?
Thanks guys!!

inscrit le 2/3/02
811 messages
first of all, I'll advise you that:
when writing in english on a french forum, be a little bit more gentle, apologize that you can't write in french and use cool smileys. Not that i don't like english, nor that i don't want to help you, be you'll get more replies behaving like i said!
I don't know belgium at all so i can't tell you any shops...
If you really know what you want, and the size, i'd say go to blue tomato, a good online shop with good choice. It's in austria, but i think they should ship everywhere in EU.

Hope that helps...
Pete, www.skwalzone.org

Statut : Confirmé
inscrit le 8/10/01
1580 messages
Matos : 5 avis
ben jij in vlaanderen?
then you may drive to the neighbouring netherlands, they have hard boots there.
at duijvenstein shops, for instance, where I bought Raichle AF700 for 200 euros...
skipass.com [Modo]
Statut : Confirmé
inscrit le 1/2/01
137K messages
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