Un petit post, pour archiver d'ancienne photos de snowboard ou surf des neiges.
Ici une vieille carte postale, présentant un snowboardeur sur un winterstick swallowtail de couleur rouge.
D'après winterstick.net, il s'agirait d'un planchon de 1981.
"Year: 1981
Model: Swallowtail - Red (Team Edition)
Size: 165cm
Production: <12 approx.
The late 1981 model was originally made especially for team members on their way to visit the French Alps.It shared similar design elements of the blue production board. It incorporated a superlight weight urethane core which allowed a total weight of under seven pounds. The team showcased their ‘sticks and skills in Europe to promote the sport. Most of the red team model boards broke due to the aggressive riding style - which mainly consisted of large drops and jumps for the photo crews that came to shoot the 'stickers. Regis Rolland purchased (and still owns) a red board from the team, and only one more was known to make it home alive. "

Un petit post, pour archiver d'ancienne photos de snowboard ou surf des neiges.
Ici une vieille carte postale, présentant un snowboardeur sur un winterstick swallowtail de couleur rouge.
D'après winterstick.net, il s'agirait d'un planchon de 1981.
"Year: 1981
Model: Swallowtail - Red (Team Edition)
Size: 165cm
Production: <12 approx.
The late 1981 model was originally made especially for team members on their way to visit the French Alps.It shared similar design elements of the blue production board. It incorporated a superlight weight urethane core which allowed a total weight of under seven pounds. The team showcased their ‘sticks and skills in Europe to promote the sport. Most of the red team model boards broke due to the aggressive riding style - which mainly consisted of large drops and jumps for the photo crews that came to shoot the 'stickers. Regis Rolland purchased (and still owns) a red board from the team, and only one more was known to make it home alive. "

inscrit le 22/1/04
571 messages