Dynastar Pro Rider '05
This ski is out of hand. I tried it at the last regular season day at Snowbird in May '04. My first run down off the tram... I was dragging my hip in the snow in the cirque through damp 1.5' chop at 40mph with my hands at my sides. The 26ish radius sidecut rules for high speed G's. They are so stiff that if you just drop a little onto your heels, pop'em out of a sidecut carving turn, and the existing bend in the ski will leave super deep trenches all while floating the tips. After doing this till the lower gad chutes traverse I was TIRED, and I am a 25 year old ski bum who gets 100+ days out here. Next I dropped into the gad chutes. Wet spring powder facing the sun all morning, but still untouched. I dropped in off a 5', and hit top speed to see if they could carve the wet and sticky. The float was good, the G's were pretty high, but I could see the last 6" of the tips bending up to float. They were causing some drag and throwing me forward a bit. In powder I would think the tails would be too stiff, it felt like only the tips were flexing. Again, in just a few hundred yards I was feeling beat. My quads were burning. This is a very high energy ski. Hit a groomer back to the base. Now that was fun. I could definately feel the twist/torque on my knee because of the width under foot but I could haul straight down and just roll my edges to turn. I couldn't lay down to far because of the torque from the ski's width but it was fast and stable. After 5 more runs like this I knew I wanted a pair. The rep said they are not a production ski, hand made of wood and titanium, with vertical sidewalls and no cap, no proprietary binding system and no mounting plate. Thats what I'm talking about baby! These things will last forever. Then there are the three downsides: $1300 just for the skis, heavy as hell, good luck finding a pair to buy. But if you want to be a badass at Snowbird/Alta and lay down 50mph flying powder turns while out running an avalanche on the wrong side of the rope you just don't have a choice.
A priori...pour monter là-dessus, faudra préparer les cuisses pour l'hiver...
Si les 186 ont le meme comportement, çà doit etre un meilleur compromis pour qui n'est pas bucheron ou prorider. Pour tourner dans les couloirs etroits aussi...
Conclusion, ce sont des skis exceptionnels qui demandent un minimum (mais pas forcément un maximum) de condition physique et de techniques pour etre appréciés mais qui ne sont pas du tout réservés à une élite de moniteurs, compétiteurs ou autres. En tout cas, meme un skieur comme moi (30 ans de pratique toutes neiges, 180 cm, 78 kg, environ 40 jours de ski, rando surtout, par an, physique tres moyen) peut prendre beaucoup de plaisir avec !
Pour exciter quelques ayatollahs du forum, ce sont les meilleurs skis que j'ai eu l'occasion de tester (avec peut etre les atomic REX, mais j'ai du retard dans les derniers fats), je les prefere largement a mes anciens et mythiques Powertrack flamme 192 !
(PS: je ne suis pas un "ayatollah du forum" )
inscrit le 17/11/02
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