Drin Mulliqi
Drin Mulliqi

inscrit le 19/12/17
0 message
Le blahblah: Bonjour les gars, je suis un skieur expérimenté avec plus de 20 ans d'expérience en sking. Toute ma vie j'ai eu des tonnes de problèmes avec les skiboots, j'ai essayé plusieurs monteurs de bottes en Angleterre et d'une manière ou d'une autre j'ai une douleur si terrible. Je suis dans cette situation que je suis sur le point de quitter le ski si je ne trouve pas un bon monteur de démarrage.

Spécifique: Avec toute cette douleur sur mes pieds même si j'adore skier je suis sur le point de le laisser pour toujours. Je donne mon dernier essai. Alors s'il vous plaît recommander le meilleur Bootfitter en France qui a la meilleure technique.

Merci d'avance. Désolé pour le français c'était google translate donc je ne casse pas les règles du forum.


The blahblah: Hello guys, i am an experinxed skier with more than 20 years experince in sking. All my life i had tons of problems with skiboots, i have tried several England boot fitters and somehow i have so terrible pain. I am in that situation that i am about to leave skiing if i dont find a good boot fitter.

Specific: With all this pain on my feet eventhough i love skiing i am about te leave it forver. I am giving it my last try. So please reccomend the best Bootfitter in France that has the best technique .

Thank u in advance. Sorry for the french it was google translate so i dont break the forum rules.
Statut : Expert
inscrit le 26/02/08
7574 messages
Stations : 2 avisMatos : 3 avis
Well, there are several good bootfitters in France, the one I know are:
Total Feet in Archamps, close to Geneva, but on the French side (highway exit Technopole).
Mark is a Canadian and speaks fluently English. You must call for an appointment before going there.
He did and still does the race boots of my daughter, did those of my wife (pretty difficult feet) and mine (reasonably easy) ...

Not that far, in Cluses (the road to Chamonix), you have Ski Clinic a large ski shop, specialized in race gear, that has a bootfitting service. I suggest you contact them for an appointment before going there.

Please, consider that bootfitting takes time, especially when the feet are difficult ...
Erwan Ghesquiere
Erwan Ghesquiere

inscrit le 29/11/10
46 messages
Hi mate, if you can go to Sanglard in Chamonix, ask for Jules. He is english so communication should be easy for you and the man is a legend, worked on the WC circuit for years. I wouldn't go to anybody else to fit my race shoes or any shoes for that matter. All my familly and friends with foot pain problems swear by him too now.

He is not the one and only true god but he is bloody good. There are others in other areas so depending of where is convinient for you pick him, some of Bonagva recommendations or wait for more answers.

Ps: If I'm right Jules used to work in Sanglard and Ski Clinic in Cluses, not sure that's still true tho.
skipass.com [Modo]
Statut : Expert
inscrit le 01/02/01
137K messages
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