cravi ( 6 déc 2009) disait:
le fart d'usine c'est satan.
C'est pas super mais bon, pas la moitie de mes skis ne voie de fart avant d'aller sur la neige.. PArfois ils en voient meme peut etre juste une fois par saison
Bref c'est mieux (j'aime bien des skis fartes comme tout le monde

) mais pas de quoi se prendre la tete non plus a moins d'etre un coureur..
Un mot de Ingrid Backstrom pour un peu de perspective:
"I admit it: Skiers benefit from a good tune. But guess what. I don’t always tune my skis. And my battered boards ski great in powder, crud, slush, and soft snow - which is where I want to be skiing anyway.
This may come as a surprise, but I’m not always looking for my skis to grip an edge - and I’m a former ski racer. Now that I spend most of my time on soft snow, having knife-sharp edges is pointless. Especially in powder. I want my skis to float and feather. This is why snowboards and fat skis are popular now: Sliding big, high-speed powder turns is awesome.
So here’s all I usually do to prep my skis: When I have a stray piece of dangling base after snagging a rock, I take the edge of my other ski, slice off the offending snaggle, and voilà: good as new. When I don’t wax my skis, sticky spring snow or flat run-outs can cause major slowdowns. But I see this as a training opportunity - it forces me to ski faster on the upper portion of the run or skate harder on the sticky parts so nobody has to wait. Translation: Poorly tuned skis might actually make me a stronger skier.
I’ve grown accustomed to skiing boards au naturel , and they almost work better when they’re a bit worn in and softened. Too sharp a tune in soft snow causes edges to hook. That’s why any good tech will de-tune new fat skis: They’re too sharp with the factory tune. Plus, not tuning your skis means you can keep them suited to your skiing style, as opposed to getting a base bevel that’s more fitting for Alberto Tomba’s slalom skis.
Just because I don’t take extra special care of my skis, it doesn’t mean I love them any less. That said, if you’re willing to hook me up with a free tune, I’m certainly not going to turn you down. "
inscrit le 5/12/09
73 messages