
inscrit le 8/9/09
0 message

A few days ago, I bought 5 pairs of the new style AJ 2009 from http://www.ok-jordan.com , where i found the website from this forum .I have left a message to them : “Please,send me the black style one !”,but what I received are two all-black shoes .
What I could do ?
If refund, how can i return , the payment methord I chose is paypal..he paypal prompt:
“The money has been sent!
Josegh, you have sent $196.00 USD to Yi.
We have sent you a receipt for this transaction, and an email has been sent to your recipient. View transaction details “
Could some one give me more details ? Thank you !


inscrit le 10/5/07
17K messages
Stations : 1 avis
oune009 (27 aoû 2009) disait:

A few days ago, I bought 5 pairs of the new style AJ 2009 from http://www.ok-jordan.com , where i found the website from this forum .I have left a message to them : “Please,send me the black style one !”,but what I received are two all-black shoes .
What I could do ?
If refund, how can i return , the payment methord I chose is paypal..he paypal prompt:
“The money has been sent!
Josegh, you have sent $196.00 USD to Yi.
We have sent you a receipt for this transaction, and an email has been sent to your recipient. View transaction details “
Could some one give me more details ? Thank you !

Décidément, c'est de l'acharnement!!!

inscrit le 12/4/09
45 messages
On a pas des fixs à lui proposer pour skier avec ses jordans??

inscrit le 20/10/08
299 messages
Matos : 6 avis
le summum du HS!
skipass.com [Modo]
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inscrit le 1/2/01
137K messages
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