0 Test matos Majesty Wolf.

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120 mm
100 mm
136 mm
Description du Majesty Wolf :
Wolf is a freeride touring, semi-hybrid ski that performs equally well in a challenging steep terrain as it does in powder. Wolf can be easily used as all-embracing, all-terrain skis for patrollers, guides and adventurers. Camber supports responsiveness, better grip on icy slopes and smooth edge to edge transmission. Combining the 150mm rocker in the tip with camber underfoot improves float, enhances control and adds stability in variable conditions. The newly revised outline with the smooth ...
(Fournie par Majesty)
Technologie : Semi hybridshape: dire ionalflex: dire ionalflex ratio: 6rocker type: 150mm (tips)

Prix recommandé : 569 € (skis nus)
Type. Freerando Niveau. Expert Poids (g). 1820 G le ski
Tailles. 169 177 CM 184 Rayon de courbe. 22.2m
Rocker spatule
Cambre normal Rocker spatule
Cambre normal


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