0 test Gnu Whip It!.

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Description du Gnu Whip It! :
Many Gnu's were built and still are built while listening to DEVO. Anatomy balancing PBTX with Magne-Traction combined with a blockhead shape is both progressive and devolutionary at the same time. This board has a long smooth floaty tip and tail entry curves that will rip the pow in both directions. The Pickle, Banana and Magne-Traction work together to make carving naturally easy in any condition from hard pack to ice while the Banana tech makes this a freestyle joy stick. Whip it up on a ...
(Fournie par Gnu)
TECHNOLOGIE : Relaxed entry Twin Asymmetric All Terrain Freestyle, PBTX, Blockhead Shape, Magne-Traction, Core: Polonia, Great Lakes Aspen and Columbian Gold, UHMW Sidew ...

Prix recommandé : 420 €
Type. All Mountain Freestyle Niveau. avancé
Tailles. 156. 159. CM 162. Rayon de courbe. 8.1 - 8.3m Stance de référence. 574 mm Carre effective. 114 cm

Mixte (double cambre etc...)
Mixte (double cambre etc...)


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