Gnu Carbon Credit Wide

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Description du Gnu Carbon Credit Wide :
Aweird winning easy to ride technology. All terrain freestyle performance for riders of all ability levels, handmade in the USA and tested on Mt. Weird by snowboarders with jobs. Banana Technology is easy to ride, rips the hard pack, kills the jibs, and floats powder unbelievably. The Magne-Traction serrated edges give you awesome control and edge hold even on ice. A Carbon Credit is all you need to go from beginner to pro. Danny Kass started on one. TWSNOW Good Wood Winner!
(Fournie par Gnu)
TECHNOLOGIE : Twin Freestyle/All Terrain, BTX, Magne-Traction, Core: Great Lakes Aspen and Columbian Gold, Co Ex Top, Carbon Stringers, UHMW Sidewalls, Easy Maintenance C ...

Prix recommandé : 400 €
Type. All Mountain Freestyle Niveau. avancé
Tailles. 153. 156. 159. 162. CM 165. Rayon de courbe. 8.4m Stance de référence. 575 mm Carre effective. 123 cm

Mixte (double cambre etc...)
Mixte (double cambre etc...)


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