• During the past couple years Jens & Lucas have been heavily influenced by the conscious styles of A Tribe Called Quest. In late April/ early May when both were done filming for their Finess seggys, they took a couple days to put together this edit that had been waiting to happen for a bit
with a Tribestyle soundtrack cut together by JNilla.
- Yung nephew ColeGibson brought that style and was the finishing piece we needed to put it together!/ LSM&Jnilla. So without further ado TheBunch presents: TRIBEcalledBUNCH!
Edit by: JNilla
Filmer shoutouts: TheBunch, Nick Meilleur, Nick Broms
Major Shoutout:A Tribe Called Quest
Sponsor shoutouts:
Atomic Skiing
Dragon Alliance
Fulltilt Boots