Les Suédois de TheBunch présentent leur second film "Finess".
We are TheBUNCH and you have finally arrived to our second full length film, Finess.
This joint right here is one of the hottest blends of stylez, bends and presses ever. With out any requirements defining a whole new genre of skiing.
We got a family of artists, skiers and producers put together.
And by combining their talents and gifts developed way beyond our previous far out trip.
We took the rarest ingredients, mixed them and fused it.
And now we are giving it to you all so you can gain from it and use it
Ofcourse we had to put our signature on it so you can't confuse it.
Magnus Granér
Tobias Sedlacek
Pär Hägglund
Leo Björklund
Lucas Stål Madison
Linus Tornberg
Erik Pousette
Douglas Källsbo
Sakarias Majander
Maximilliam Smith
Kieran McVeigh
Jens Nilsson