Les skieurs-aventuriers Matthias Mayr et Matthias Haunolder, après leur voyage sur l'île d'Onekotan l'année dernière, sont de retour pour un autre trip dans un endroit perdu avec comme but de skier le plus haut pic de l'est de la Sibérie, le "Gora Pobeda". The White Maze, ou Labyrinthe Blanc, vient de la vision de cette partie de la Russie qu'ils ont eu depuis l'avion en rentrant du Kamchatka. Le village accessible par la route le plus proche du pic est à 350km, l'hôpital le plus proche à 1300km...
A whole year of planning, scouting and guesswork Freeskiers and adventurers Matthias „Hauni“ Haunholder and Matthias Mayr invested into their personal mission impossible. To reach the Chersky Mountain Range and ski the highest Peak of Eastern Siberia "Gora Pobeda".
When Hauni and Matthias for the first time saw the Chersky Range from high above, when flying back home from Kamchatka it seemed to them like a huge White Maze. Impossible to find a way through this massive area of mountains.
„Gora Pobeda“ is known as a very difficult to ascend mountain, not mainly because it ́s a steep, rocky and icy peak but more because it is so far out of reach. The next village with road access "UST NERA" is more than 350km away. The next helicopter and hospital is 1300km away in Yakutsk. Beside that it is one of the coldest regions in the world. Usually the temperature drops down below minus 60 degrees Celsius during the long arctic winter. Because of extreme continental climate short hot summers follow immediately the long winter cold. Due to that the time window for to ascend and descend the mountain is very small. Since nobody ever did a project like that, it is not clear which time of the year it would be possible at all. Without Helicopter support it seems impossible to reach the mountain range or even the highest peak with all the equipment the small team consisting of five guys carries with them for filming. Only having the filmers Johannes and Moritz and the photographer Jonas with them, it seems like a completely undoable project.
A Family of Nomads living aside the mountain range is their only hope. They might be able to help them come closer to the mountains...
THE WHITE MAZE is coming this fall. Watch it in cinema or on I-Tunes.
Here the infos for the official Premiere in Europe:
Thanks to our supporters:
- Peak Performance
- Smith Optics
- Atomic
- Gregorypacks
- Zeiss
- Kitzsteinhorn
- Contourskins
- Red Bull