Simone Filippini - Snow Addicted(Another way of skiing)

It was a while Simone was thinking and talking about it, he wanted to ski in a land without snow. One day, me (Filippo Delzanno), Simone Filippini and Enea Auberson (Photographer) were driving home and we decided that we should start filming for the project Simone had in mind.
He wanted to prove that if you can ski everywhere, you can ski on any kind of snow conditions - as he heard in an interview of an old man.
So now it’s your challenge!
Grab a pair of very old skis and go to rock your forest… Without snow! Summer time will not be boring anymore!

Intro / Final voice : Giorni di luglio - Attrito / Esistenzialismo - Mezzosangue
Song : 20syl - Voices feat. Rita J (Instrumental)


We have amazing pictures! just contact us!

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