Pretty Faces - an all female ski film

Pretty Faces est le dernier film de la skieuse Lyndsey Van avec un casting exclusivement féminin regroupant les meilleures freerideuses mondiales. Voici le teaser en attendant le film complet cet Automne.

Pretty faces is an all female ski film featuring the best athletes from around the world in celebration of playing outside, pushing the sport and living up to our fullest potential as a supportive community. Inspired by the desire to offer young girls role models and inspiration to play outside, this film aims to capture all the girl stoke from the pioneers who have paved the way to the "never-evers" who will continue to define what it means to ski like a girl.

Song: Metric, Dreams so Real


Rachel Burks
Claire Smallwood
Angel Collinson
Jess McMillian
Crystal Wright
Sandra Lahnstginer
Elyse Saugstad
Lynsey Dyer
Tatum Monod
Grete Elliasson
Jenn Berg
Ashley Magnison
Izzy Lynch
Andrea Binning
Pia Widmesser
MCkenna Peterson
Lexi Dupont
Ane Enderud
Halen Gregory
Hannah Whitney
Rebecca Selig
Pip Hunt
Michelle Parker
Ingrid Backstrom
Meghan Kelly
Leah Evans
Janette Hargin
Nadia Samer
Brooke Edwards
Caroline Cleich
Lorrain Huber
Jackie Passo
Megan Michelson
Kaylin Richardson

Wendy Fischer
Lizet Christianson
Lauren Gerogelos
Lel Tone
Kim Havel
Giulia Monego
Hillary Oniell