L'hiver dernier, Whiteout Pictures est allé tourner en Colombie Britannique, au Canada, avec Henrik Windstedt, Dave Treadway et Matilda Rapaport. C'est la dernière production vidéo de Matilda, avant son décès l'été dernier dans une avalanche en Amérique du Sud.
[Henrik Windstedt, Freeskier]
“You should have seen the amount of gear that we brought up the mountain, felt like were making Interstellar 2. Most of it isn't made for this type of environment either. Really impressive that it works. The reward when you see the final edit makes it all worth the effort though. Fun working with these creative guys using McGuiver solutions that is totally out of the box.”
[Simon Sjörén, Producer, Whiteout Pictures]
“Some of these shots was the kind of stuff we’ve been dreaming of capturing for a long time. It really pushed us and the equipment to the max. So proud of the team effort put into making this project happen.”
[Anders Gustavsson, Athlete Manager Peak Performance]
“It´s very emotional seeing Matilda in this edit. She was a great skier and even greater person. We really want to show what a fantastic skier she was with this edit and she will always be a big part of our crew.”