Mr. Plant - The Second Teaser

Starring: Pat Moore, Curtis Ciszek, Scott Blum, Bryan Iguchi, Seth Huot, Jamie Lynn, Zach Normandin, Elena Hight, Hunter Wood, Mike Rav, Terje Haakonsen, Arthur Longo, Jake Welch and friends

Volcom Stone présente “Mr. Plant,” un film Veecobasé sur les voyages de Pat Moore. Suivez Pat à traver sa saison de voyages autour du monde avec le reste de la famille volcom.

Filmé par Seth Huot et Jake Price, featuring art by Jamie Lynn and Mike Aho, and shot on location in Jackson Hole, Japan, Quebec, Massachusetts and Minnesota, the film unfolds across the map to arrive at the only destination that really matters: Staying true to snowboarding.

Coming Fall 2014.

- Music -
Song: Pay To Live
Artist: Obliterations
Release: Volcom Ent Vinyl Club #36
Bandcamp (vinyl):