J'ai donné 4

les quebecois de GSL Productions reviennent avec J'ai Donné 4...

is proud to release ''J'ai Donné 4''. A low quality ski movie following the 2010-2011 season of the GSL CREW and Friends. Our 4th film and yet our best.

Filmed by: LP Sanfaçon, Benoit Cormier, Joakim Aslund, Cass, Cash, Ham,B-Paul, B-Will, B-Georges, Money, Zac B, and Math V.

Featuring the skiing of Simon Dumont, Joe Schuster, Joss Christensen, Gus Kenworthy, Nils Lauper, Taylor Seaton, Pat Baskins, Antoine Choquette, B-Dog, B-Paul, B-Mile, JF Houle, Alexi Godbout, Alex Bellemare, Adrian Pougiales, Chas Guldemond, Georges Perron, Max Perron, Vincent Gagnier, Pierrot Gagnier, Charles Gagnier, Antoine Gagnier, and Kristie Leskinen.

Filmed around the Globe

A movie made to make people smile and think about what is possible.