The second full length snowboard film from the Grindhouse crew filmed between December 2011 and April 2012 in France, Austria, Finland, Canada, USA and Scotland with minimal budget and 1 camera apart from two weeks.
Riding from: Will Smith, Jon Addison, Matt Macwhirter, Tom Guilmard, Andy Nudds, Ben Wall, Tom Honey, Billy Neilson, John Weatherley, Ollie Dutton, Chris Chatt & Andy Laird.
Presented by: 9 Milli Media & Monster Energy.
Supported by: The Reason Magazine, Transworld Snowboard Magazine, Method Magazine, Salomon, Bonfire, Nitro, Endeavor, Airhole, Dragon, Celtek, Analog, Burton, Academy, Capita, Dalikfodda & Banshee Bungee.
Filmed & edited by Jamie Durham.
Additional filming: Will Smith, John Weatherley, Jon Addison, Russel Lee, Kyle Grover, Stephanie Haines, Matthew Galina, Cody Watson, Ian Sansom, James North, Tom Elliott & Paul Mckelvie.