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Film & Edit - Louis Charnaud
a mixture of park and all mountain shredding from Manu.
Manu Barnard - NZ | 17
par Louis Charnaud
This is my winning run from The North Face Frontier FWQ 4* freeride comp in New Zealand in August 2016.
This year was the first time the comp has run as a four star rated event, so people were throwing down some pretty cool stuff!
I actually changed my plan half way through the run as the cliff I was planning to hit scared the shit out of me as I got closer to it, so I went to plan B for the bottom section.
It was a great day and I am stoked to see such a highly rated event run in NZ!...
Frontier FWQ 4* POV - 1st place
par sam_Ibex_Lee
4 842 vues |
Konstantin Ottner s'envoie la tête en bas à Treble Cone le 2 août dernier. La saison bat son plein en Nouvelle-Zélande !
Recently we have been slammed with fresh snow and soft landings. The past 3 storm's have brought around 30cm's each time... meaning we are getting consistent top ups and refills of landings.
In this video you can see Konsti ripping it up at Treble Cone, Sending cliffs deep and throwing double backflips off of wind-lips
Filmed and Edited - Louis Charnaud
Skiing At TrebleCone With Konstantin Ottner
22 705 vues |
Après un début de saison difficile en nouvelle zélande au niveau des conditions de neige, les FreakyBoyzzz ont enfin pu se mettre à tracer les faces néozélandaises jusqu'à plus soif durant cette quatrième semaine.
Prochaine étape au Mt Hutt pour l'épisode 5 !
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