FWT21’s season opener is almost here, with Andorra ready to host the world’s best freeriders. The extended weather window of February 20-26 will give the competition the best chance to run in optimum conditions. The defending world champions are all fired for Andorra and the USA is bringing the heat in both men’s categories with Isaac Freeland leading the rankings for ski men and Nils Mindnich in the top spot for snowboarding. Judges expect more amazing performances from French superstar Mari...
Freeride World Tour 2021 Ordino Arcalís (AND) - Trailer
par freesporttv
15 vues |
This is the GoPro footage from my 2nd place run at the 2017 Frontier FWQ 4* event in New Zealand.
2nd place run, 2017 Frontier FWQ 4* POV
par sam_Ibex_Lee
690 vues |
In New Zealand, there is a ski field called Treble Cone, which consistently draws a crowd of mad folk from the four corners of the Earth (Flat Earth theory?) who all froth past the brim on Freeriding and getting a bit silly.
This Started as my season edit, but ended up with a bunch of shots of all the crew havin'a'time on a few of the best TC rat pack days of the season.
The POV footage is all from my head on my Drift cam and the first minute is just me, with Cam Mcdermid ripping some g...
New Zealand, So What?
par sam_Ibex_Lee
3 012 vues |
After 2 years of injuries, let's enjoy snowboard! Big Air, Jib, Street, Powder, and Speed!
2014 sowboarding is coming soon...
Places = Font Romeu, Thonon, Spindleruv, Val Thorens, Avoriaz, Piau Engaly
Music = Betty Blowtorch, Hell on wheels
Cameraman (partie freeride) = Nicolas Bosca
Marion Gouwy 2012-2013
par marion_gouwy
795 vues |
Guerlain chicherit descend les marches de la grande arche de la défense de nuit... En ski !!!! et ça fait des étincelles !!!
crash test vuarnet # 6
1 241 vues |
mathias wecxsteen fait nimporte koi avec ces lunettes vuarnet... C'est le professeur Oeilde Lynx qui a fumé la moquette !!! Givré les mecs !
crash test vuarnet # 5
712 vues |
Guerlain chicherit et mathias wexcsteen dans un sèche linge.... !!! Allez, ça tourne !!!
Guerlain et Mathias dans un sèche linge !!
643 vues |
Guerlain et Mathias testent les lunettes Vuarnet dans un sèche linge... pous simuler une tempête de vent !!! C'est n'imp !!!
Guerlain et Mathias dans un sèche linge !!
1 087 vues |
Mathias Wexcsteen teste les lunettes vuarnet en milieu humide... et plouf !! Dans la seine... Enorme...!
crash test vuarnet 2
1 407 vues |
Guerlain chicherit teste la tempête de neige... Carbonique !!!