Here it is! We're excited to finally present STILL TURNING.
The help and support of friends is crucial in a project like KORUA Shapes. As a thank you, we organized a weekend camping adventure on a mountain pass that lies only minutes from some of Europe's best resorts. Most guys showed up in camper vans, others simply planned to crash in the front seat of their cars. The idea was to spend some quality time in good company, enjoy a couple of beers, test out some new shapes and have as much...
KORUA Shapes - YEARNING FOR TURNING Vol. 4 - Still Turning
par Fluofun
347 584 vues |
Quelques first turns dans le vallon de Tachji (essayez de chercher sur les cartes... ;-) pour tester ma nouvelle Landlord split.
Pour le son, il y avait tellement de vent que c'est saturé, alors j'ai préféré rien mettre. On se concentre sur l'essentiel.