Tout frais, tout chaud
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Partir camper est la meilleure facon de lancer l'été, et c'est encore mieux avec du bon son. Alors Skullcandy a rempli la voiture de bacon et de haut-parleurs sans fil, a récupéré le team (Mark McMorris, Aaron Biittner, Zak Hale et Bode Merrill) au passage, et s'est dirigé vers l'Oregon pour STAYLOUD. De Mt Hood à la côte pacifique, voyez les speakers Skullcandy à l'oeuvre...
Essayez vous-même :
Song: Native America - "Old Friends"
Gone West and Wireless by Skullcandy
par Fluofun
1 376 vues |
Same time, same artist, same length, same vibes, less snow : here is The Mount 2.
Hopefully you will have have as fun watching it as we had filming it, rad times living on the Oregon coast and great memories for days.
Thanks Nick Meilleur for helping out with the filming and to these kids for making it real everyday : Volkl, Dakine, Glisshop, XSories, Oakley, SkullCandy.
The mount 2 - Jeremy Pancras
par jeremski
4 028 vues |
Head mounted the GoPro and went for a couple laps with the homies in cloudy Laax.
Thanks to those guys who make everything possible : Volkl, Dakine,, XSories, Oakley, GoPro, SkullCandy and SFR.
One day in Laax - Jeremy Pancras
par jeremski
6 580 vues |
Found my old DV camera, bought a fish eye and cut some shots skiing in Keystone A51 early December, here is what came out. I hope you'll have fun watching :)
Thanks to these guys for making everything possible : Volkl, Dakine,, XSories, SFR, Oakley, GoPro and SkullCandy.