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The Wallisch Project Trailer
par SCOTT.sports
606 vues |
With his knee feeling strong and fully rehabilitated, Tom had a busy month with lots of travel. From winning the world championships in Norway to some spring time shredding and goofing around in Park City as well as more filming missions for his new movie project.
Wednesdays With Wallisch Episode 5
par SCOTT.sports
5 659 vues |
SCOTT and the Companie du Mont Blanc have a long history together. 8 years ago a collaboration began from a mutual friendship. The guides of Grand Montets were equipped with Scott accessories (Poles / Goggles / Backpacks) in order to better understand their needs. As the partnership grew stronger, and following regular and intensive communication between both parties, new prototypes were developed to meet the extreme demands of the guides. Now everybody can benefit from this partnership as ne...
SCOTT / Compagnie du Mont Blanc Partnership
par SCOTT.sports
4 932 vues |