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Eva Walkner - "This was my 2011"
The Skitrip to Gulmarg/Kashmir and Argentina for the Seb Michaud Invitacion was my Highlight.
Music: M83 - Midnight City and The Big Pink - Hit The Ground (Superman)
Eva Walkner - "This was my 2011"
296 vues |
Superunknown VII Winner Logan Imlach made the most of filming opportunities last year, stacking shots on urban and backcountry trips across North America. While his segment in Level 1's feature flick, "After Dark," only highlighted the cream of the crop shots, there were plenty of other bangers that didn't make the cut. Logan took it upon himself to put together one of the slickest self-edits that we've seen yet. Enjoy!
Logan Imlach 2011 Season Edit
3 246 vues |
Edit 2010-2011 de Brady Perron ! Il en profite pour remercier plusieurs personnes pour leur contribution...
Happy Holidays- Feast on this self edit from Brady Perron's 10-11 season.
He'd like to thank everyone involved including his pops, Tom Perron on the vocals/drums (Doobie Brothers cover). Other artists and filmers include Seth Webb producing the first track with Chicago shots by Alex Horner. Much appreciation to the additional contributors-
Matthew Milewski, Shane Mcfalls, Big N...
"Thanks" Brady Perron Self Edit
4 485 vues |