OPEN FACES 3* FWQ/2*FJT Kappl/Paznaun 2022 - Recap

After almost 2 years without freeride contests on Austrian soil, the first Open Faces Series contest, the 3*FWQ & 2*FJT stop in Kappl / Paznaun took place last weekend. The top performances of the riders from 13 nations and the joy of reunion of the so familiar scene contributed to an "epic" re-start of the most important World Qualifier Series in Europe. In fluid runs through the deep snow, the athletes showed daring lines through the terrain paired with spectacular jumps.
The Freeride Junior World Championships will take place in the weather window from Wed Jan 26 to Sat Jan 29, also in Kappl-Paznaun (AUT).
The next stop of the Open Faces will take place from Fri 11.2. to Sun 13.2. in Alpbach (AUT).