Test Born 2 Ride Joker 2012

7 Tests Born 2 Ride Joker.

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Note moyenne : 9/10
Stanislaw Kastory


Joker 2012 Born 2 Ride Joker
Profil du testeur : 1,80m | 73kg | Confirmé / expert
Taille testée : 180
Conditions du test : Durée : season 2011/2012 | Météo : sunny | Neige : all kinds of snow
I use these skis for a year now and I'm really satisfied about them.
They are perfectly flexible which helps me a lot when I'm landing, even on hard snow.
The ski itself is really fast which is especially important during summer, when the snow is melting.
They are also very well made- I use them a lot and nothing ever happens to them.
The one thing I don't like about my skis is the fact that they are not really good for off piste.
Accessibilité & confort
Aptitudes au switch
Performance sauts
Performance rails & jib
Aptitudes piste
Performance freeride


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