Taté le flex: super super souple
Pas ridé
Commentaire de Milovich qui en ride un ( enfin en ridais un avant d'avoir un magistral

".... Here in Utah, as you well know, one’s relationship to the trees is far more intimate and turns tend to be tighter and much slower. The Nitro excels in this because it’s so soft, which makes it beautiful in the bottomless. I guess I’m still very old school in this area, since I like to get up to my elbows in slow turns in the green rooms, and I like to use the whole board dynamically. Lots of people I see in the pow tend to sink their tails and keep their nose on top of the snow and kind of bounce or slide from turn to turn. As an old Wintersticker, you know that the real juice is down deep. If I can see any part of my board in the turn, I’m doing something wrong, or it just ain’t deep. The only time I see the nose sometimes is between turns, when the board comes back up for a quick gulp of air and then disappears again.
The binding locations on the Pow Pow are all too far back for really deep snow and for my style of riding. I’ve installed new binding screws about 15 cm (6-8 inches) forward of the standard back inserts and a few more in front of the front ones since I ride in a narrow, centered stance (42 cm, 16.5” wide) in the pow. I have ridden both the Nitro 175 and 195 in cruddy, shallow snow, and a rear stance works well in those conditions, but that’s only in snow that’s really bad, like breakable crust, where keeping the nose out and breaking through the junk with the midsection of the board is safer. But you and I both know that technique doesn’t matter, just the grin on your face, and anything that makes you smile in the snow if OK, right?."
la conclusion resume tout
Pour faire court: a priori c'est plus une board de petits espaces car la tenue a haute vitesse sera moins bonne qu'une swell, miura ou boheme ( n'oublies pas boheme car ca tient vraiment la route comme board pour allumer )
Pour ce qui est de faire comme Milo et avancer les inserts, faut pas non plus abuser

mais ca se ride correctement et a mon avis permet meme quelques sauts ' cf chastagnol en enorme jump sur la couverture de rider il y a 3 ans ) sur le nitro 178...
Je pense comme gab que le flex doit etre nettement moins travaillé que chez les 3 grands noms ( 4 avec Pogo ) et que pour ma part je prefere de loin une certaine raideur qui permet d'absorber les enormes claques que l'on peut prendre en poudre a haute vitesse ( bosse cachee, trou caché etc..) d'autant plus que je ride en plaques et que c'est moins tolérant!
Bref: si c'est pas cher: fonce, si c'est cher: bof bof...
inscrit le 17/12/03
28 messages