
inscrit le 26/11/08
5 messages
i'd like to know where can i find a nice snowpark in france during the period of christmas
i heard about avoriaz..
sorry for my english..
Da goggle
Da goggle
Statut : Confirmé
inscrit le 24/11/01
3072 messages
Matos : 6 avis
Hey there,

I'm not a snowpark specialist, but I suppose you'll be able to shred proper parks in the following resorts :
-le Grand Bornand
-les 2 Alpes
-Val d'Isere
-St Gervais / Megeve

And I suppose true freestylers will complete the list :p.

See ya.

inscrit le 3/3/07
927 messages
Matos : 2 avis
check Les Diablerets, the park on the glacier is realy nice.
Not in france but in Switzerland Not too far from the french alps if u got a car.

inscrit le 26/11/08
5 messages
ok thx
but will this parks be open during this period?
because i heard that most of the french s park aren't open in the early season....

inscrit le 15/10/07
518 messages
Matos : 3 avis
the snowpark of les diablerets is do for the periode of october november but after nobody do the park because they do on an other station... there is avoriaz sure and after certainly les deux alpes, val d'Isère but don't look after le grand bornand and st gervais...

inscrit le 16/4/08
201 messages
During Christmas , 2alpes and Val park are the best

inscrit le 26/11/08
5 messages
ok thx!
i think i'll be in avoriaz for a while
i hope there will be a great park

inscrit le 3/3/07
927 messages
Matos : 2 avis
If u go in avoriaz u have to be ready to wait or to walk :) and the park is not the best in this area... Better in Les Diablerets for sure (halfpipe, lot of kick and rails)... In avoriaz I dont think that the pipe will be open...

inscrit le 26/11/08
5 messages
FloF (27 novembre 2008 15 h 50) disait:

If u go in avoriaz u have to be ready to wait or to walk :) and the park is not the best in this area... Better in Les Diablerets for sure (halfpipe, lot of kick and rails)... In avoriaz I dont think that the pipe will be open...

why am i gonna' have to wait or walk ?? many riders?
i'll be in switzerland for an other part of the season..

inscrit le 11/2/05
1567 messages
I think "Avoriaz" is better than "les diableret" and "le grand bornand" have a great snowpark too

inscrit le 25/9/07
168 messages
go to thyon this winter in switzerland the park will be awesome (centralcamps is the name of the snowpark)
dah ro0ts
dah ro0ts

inscrit le 6/12/01
2925 messages
Matos : 5 avis
I think the snowpark of Avoriaz will be ready for Christmas, the halfpipe too.. guys in there are motivated and I'm pretty sure they're already building kickers and rails lines..

halfpipe is dead in Les diablerets. doesn't exist anymore.

I never waited more than 5 minutes at the snowpark of Avoriaz (the big one), there's a lift for the snowpark only, big kickers and all sorts of rails (S, C, DFD, FD, Wall) but I don't know if it will be already big before christmas... depends on the snow conditions.


inscrit le 26/11/08
5 messages
Nog_nog (27 novembre 2008 19 h 03) disait:

go to thyon this winter in switzerland the park will be awesome (centralcamps is the name of the snowpark)

yeah i heard about thyon. at the moment i'm only sure i'll be in laax, but then i think we'll get just like 2weeks free, so we still have to organize the end of the trip

inscrit le 26/11/08
5 messages
dah ro0ts (28 novembre 2008 09 h 14) disait:

I think the snowpark of Avoriaz will be ready for Christmas, the halfpipe too.. guys in there are motivated and I'm pretty sure they're already building kickers and rails lines..

halfpipe is dead in Les diablerets. doesn't exist anymore.

I never waited more than 5 minutes at the snowpark of Avoriaz (the big one), there's a lift for the snowpark only, big kickers and all sorts of rails (S, C, DFD, FD, Wall) but I don't know if it will be already big before christmas... depends on the snow conditions.


well it looks nice. friends told me that during the winter this park is real cool.let's see it
hope it will be ready after christmas.

inscrit le 13/10/06
95 messages

You can see a lot of those kicker on this video.
It's all in Avoriaz

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inscrit le 1/2/01
137K messages
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