
inscrit le 12/11/07
87 messages est certe un site communautaire de shaper amateurs mais c'est aussi un lieu d'échange ou tous les fous du rabot peuvent se rencontrer et progresser.

Quoi de plus naturel alors d'interroger nos peres, j'entends par la de vrai shaper qui on fait de notre passion un metier...

{Peter} le shaper/concepteur des Ski / snowboard (soon) / monoski (soon) {Rabbit on the roof} c'est tres aimablement préter au jeu. C'est a vous maintenant de poser vos questions sur le forum

inscrit le 12/11/07
87 messages
Ca ne vous interesse pas ??? Ou vous n'osez pas vous inscrire ???

Si c'est l'inscription qui vous fait peur, n'hesitaient pas a poster sur ce sujte, je recupererais les questions ....


inscrit le 2/5/06
3835 messages
Stations : 1 avis
Si si, on connait Peter, c'est cool. Le truc c'est qu'on lui pose les questions quand on le voit, autour d'un verre, voire plus, au Castillan.

Mais c'est interessant à lire, on va suivre ça de près. Merci pour l'info.

inscrit le 2/5/06
3835 messages
Stations : 1 avis
Une de nos discussions sur rabbitontheroof :
Statut : Expert
inscrit le 6/2/03
92K messages
chiffon (20 novembre 2007 13 h 08) disait:

Si si, on connait Peter, c'est cool. Le truc c'est qu'on lui pose les questions quand on le voit, autour d'un verre, voire plus, au Castillan.

oui :-) ou completement bourré au mondial :-)

ou à la swallow...

ou... à la boulangerie le matin avant de prendre le télé :-)

inscrit le 12/11/07
87 messages
ah ok s'il est intime alors ....

Tout le monde n'ayant pas cette chance et dans l'optique du ski/snowboard handmade, C'est bien de dialoguer avec des pro ...

On l'a deja fait avec des pro du kiteboard (shaper/rider) c'est vraiment interessant ...

inscrit le 3/8/06
14 messages
Matos : 1 avis
(S'il vous plaît mon pardon en anglais. Je prends mon premier cours de français depuis le déplacement à la France cet été.)

I went to visit Peter Stelzner at Rabbit on The Roof Skis in his hidden workshop in Montreuil (Paris) France to find out what the story was about these handmade skis that people seem to rave about. I also wanted to find out what was up with these rabbits.

He's making some interesting skis. Peter does not put any metal in his skis. Pure hickory, ash, carbon, triax fiberglass and kevlar. Retro looking topsheets (beaten with chains if you want) and finishes. He wants to quit making furniture and concentrate on skis full-time and go into more production. Right now, he makes about 30 pairs a year with a wicked 5-ton press. He's got a pretty nice collection of shapes and flexes and will customize the flex in the forebody or tail if you want. He doesn't sell 'em cheap. They cost between 800-1200 Euros per pair. After seeing his stuff, I could see saving my pennies and buying a pair from him instead of one of the flashy companies. Definitely retro-cool.

If anyone is going through Paris, definitely call him up. He wants people to see his skis. These are not your run-of-the-mill freeride boards.

I took a bunch of pics at his shop and wrote a little story about his shop. The writeup is in a 19 page PDF of what we saw:

1.3 mb PDF (low res photos)

9 mb PDF (higher res photos)

I hope to get on one or two differerent pairs this season if I can swing it and see how they feel.

Here are some images of the first two pages of the story...the PDF has a bunch of pics

inscrit le 21/1/06
3454 messages
exoticskis (03 décembre 2008 10 h 41) disait:

If anyone is going through Paris, definitely call him up. He wants people to see his skis. These are not your run-of-the-mill freeride boards.

I work at Montreuil actually. Is he happy to have somebody take a look at its workshop ? If so, I'll definitely call him.

inscrit le 3/8/06
14 messages
Matos : 1 avis
Peter seems to be happy to show his skis at his shop.
Definitely call first...he has a large furniture order right now keeping him very busy! I brought some champagne for him to drink after I visted...he seemed to think that was good!
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Statut : Confirmé
inscrit le 1/2/01
137K messages
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